“Me too. What did the doctors say?”

Oliver closes his eyes, wincing in pain.

“Oli?” I can’t hide the panic in my voice, but he just holds up a finger, asking me to give him a second.

He finally groans, blowing out a puff of air.

“Do you want me to get a nurse? Or a doctor?”

Oliver gives a slight shake of his head. Opening his eyes, he clears his throat. “They want to keep me overnight for obs because of the concussion, and if I make it through the night, they’ll operate in the morning.”

“Not the time for jokes.” I poke him in the side.

“Sorry.” He laughs, wincing again as the movement jostles his shoulder. “Get up here.” He holds his good arm out to me, inviting me up onto the bed with him.

I hesitate, not wanting to cause him anymore pain.

“Come on, it’s fine.”

After carefully climbing on to the bed, I rest my head on Oliver’s chest, listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart. He wraps his arm around me, pressing his lips against my forehead. I lift my head up to look at him and chew on my bottom lip.

“What?” He asks, his hazel eyes shining down at me.

“How long will it take to recover from the surgery?”

“Six to eight weeks.” He grimaces. “But I’ll be back at least a month and a half before finals. I guess there’s an upside to doing it pretty early in the season.”

My heart clenches. “I’m so sorry, Oli.”

“It’s okay. I’ll be fine.” He kisses the tip of my nose.

The door opens and the nurse looks amused as she runs her eyes over Oliver’s charts. “How are you feeling, love?” She looks up at him.

He glances down at me before answering. “I’m fine.”

“Still getting the headaches?”

Oliver nods, closing his eyes.

“Pain on a scale of one to ten?”

“Eight?” His response is more of a question.

She offers a kind smile before making some notes on his chart. “I’ll get you some Panadol, but you should probably try and get some rest.”

I go to get up, but Oliver holds me in place. “I will. Thanks.”

The nurse’s eyes twinkle as she nods. “I’ll be right back.” She pulls the door closed behind her.

“I should go,” I murmur, but I make no attempt to move. “You need to rest.” I rest my forehead against his before adding, “I’m glad you’re okay.”

“I’ll be even better if you kiss me.” He raises his eyebrows and I laugh, leaning in to close the distance between us. My hand rests on his muscular chest, his heart rate increases under my fingertips, making the monitor beside him beep.

Someone clears their throat, and I jump, causing Oliver to groan in pain. I blush as I spot Sam, Jake, and Michelle standing in the doorway. Sam and Jake are smirking. I climb off the bed, heat rising from the tips of my toes right up to my cheeks.

“It’s good to see you’re feeling better, Oli,” Michelle says, a smile playing on her lips. Jake sniggers and she elbows him in the stomach.

“What was that for?” he complains, rubbing his gut.