Ashley pulls out her phone as I search for Oliver’s face amongst the people that are starting to leave the rooms. It’s all I can do not to burst into tears when I see him being rolled out on the stretcher by a paramedic. Clutching his shoulder in pain, he brings the green whistle filled with pain meds up to his mouth and breathes deeply.

“Oli!” I hate the way my voice wobbles. I don’t want to embarrass him by breaking down in front of everyone.

“I’m okay, Han,” he grunts.

I want to touch him, to make him feel better, but I’m terrified of hurting him. Instead, I watch helplessly as the paramedic loads him into the back of the ambulance. Jake climbs in after him.

Finally, I allow Ashley to pull me away. “Macca’s going to meet us at his car. He’s just grabbing his stuff.”

None of us speak on the forty-minute drive to the Geelong hospital. When we arrive at the emergency department, Macca calls Jake and he comes out to meet us since only family is allowed in here, too. Oliver’s getting a CT scan. I picture the glazed-over look in his eyes and collapse into the nearest chair. The knock to his head is serious, and it terrifies me.

“What did the doctors say?” I manage to choke out, staring up at the serious expression etched on Jake’s face.

“They want to see what the CT shows. They don’t think his collarbone is broken. They think it’s just a really bad tear. Once they make sure his concussion has settled, they will get him into surgery. He’ll have to stay overnight at least.” He glances over at Macca and Ashley. “Can you guys give us a sec?”

Ashley looks at me and I nod. They move over to sit on the other side of the room, casting furtive glances back over at Jake and I. Jake takes a seat next to me and I swallow the lump in my throat, wondering what is so bad he can’t say it in front of our friends.

He rubs the back of his neck. “Uh, Oli freaked out on the way over here. I think it brought back some memories from the accident. Plus he knew he was coming to the same hospital. It wasn’t good.”

A tear rolls down my cheek, and I brush it away, sniffing. “When can I see him?”

“I don’t know.” Jake wraps his arm around me. “As soon as Mum gets here. I’m sure she’ll sort it out so you can get in to see him.”

I nod but my anxiety is not assuaged. I need to see him. I need him to know I’m here. “He didn’t look so good.”

“He’s had a few hard knocks before.” Jake shrugs. “He’s tough. He’ll be okay.”

“What will this mean for footy? He’s going to be devastated about missing part of the season. What does this do to his chances of getting into the AFL?”

He shakes his head. “I don’t know. But it’s just a setback. He’ll be back at least halfway through the season. They’ve been watching him for the last couple years, so they know how he plays. It will just be a matter of seeing how the injury heals.”

“And the concussion?”

Jake winces. “He’ll be okay.” He nods like it will manifest his words into the truth. I don’t know if he’s trying to convince me or himself.

We sit there lost in our own thoughts. We both know Oliver needs the draft. He needs his chance to prove himself. He lives and breathes footy. He’s already lost his dad; I don’t know if he’ll survive losing the game as well.

As I push open the door to Oliver’s hospital room an hour later, I take a deep breath. His eyes flutter open as my shoes squeak on the linoleum floor. His sweaty hair is slicked back and there’s a smudge of dirt down the side of his face, reminding me of the horrific way his head bounced off the field. He looks small lying in the hospital bed. His lips stretch up when he spots me hovering in the doorway.

“Hey, you,” he croaks. “Get over here.”

I blink back tears as I drop into the chair next to his bed. “How are you?”

Oliver’s groan tears through my heart. “I’ve felt better. What are you doing here? What time is it?” His voice is gravelly, and he reaches for a cup of water beside his bed. I grab it for him, bringing it up to his lips.

“It’s five thirty. I’ve been here since you came in. I’ve been in the waiting room. They wouldn’t let me in to see you until you got up to your room.”

“That was five hours ago!” He reaches out with his good arm and brushes my hair behind my ear. I rest my cheek against his palm.

“Jake waited with me. He, uh, he told me about the ambulance.”

Oliver cocks his head, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

“He said you didn’t take it so well?”

He licks his dry cracked lips, choosing to ignore what I said. “I’m glad you’re here.”