Twenty minutes later, I can’t wipe the grin off my face as I pull back into the parking lot of VicRoads. I killed it. I even managed to do the reverse parallel park first go–thank you Dad for making me practise over and over again!I glance at my watch. There’s still two hours until Oliver’s game. I might get to see him beforehand. I look up at Michael, and he’s smiling, too.

“Congratulations, Hannah.”

There’s still paperwork to fill out and I have to wait to get my photo taken. My knee bounces up and down as I squirm in the uncomfortable plastic chair in the VicRoads waiting area. The clock ticks down, but the line doesn’t seem to get any shorter. I’m anxious to see my boyfriend before his big game.My boyfriend.I can’t stop the stupid grin from spreading over my face.

Finally, Dad and I walk out into the parking lot with my new licence. Dad throws me the keys. “You can drop me off at home before you go to Oli’s game.”

“Thanks Dad!”

Brad and Mum are wearing matching grins when we pull up into the driveway.

“Can you take me for a drive now?” my brother asks.

Disappointment flashes over his face when I shake my head. “Sorry. I have to pick Ashley up and get to Oliver’s game. Later, I promise.”

My stomach swirls when Ashley climbs into the front seat. Oliver made me promise I wouldn’t say anything to her about us until he’s there to see her reaction, but I feel like she’s going to smell it on me or something. Luckily, she’s totally distracted by the fact I’m now going to be able to drive us around.

“Are you going to buy a car?” she asks, pulling the visor down so she can check her hair.

“Not right now. The only places I really go are school and work.”

She groans. “What about driving me around?”

“I’ll be able to borrow a car on weekends if my parents don’t need them.” I roll my eyes.

“What about school?”

“It’ll depend on what shift my mum’s working at the hospital.”

Ashley sighs. “I guess it’s better than nothing.”

I laugh at her. “You’ll have your licence before you know it, and thenyoucan buy a car.”

“Oh no, I’m saving up to move to Sydney when I get into the National Institute of Dramatic Art. I won’t be buying a car. It’s expensive as all hell to live in Sydney.”

I can’t keep up with her.

Oliver spots my dad’s car as we pull into the football ground. He and Macca come over to greet us.

“Congratulations,” he says, picking me up and swinging me around when I get out of the car. He leaves his arm draped around my shoulder after he puts me down. Ashley eyes us warily, as if she’s trying to work out what’s going on. “I didn’t know if I’d get to see you before the game.”

“The paperwork took a little longer than I thought, and then I had to drop Dad home and pick up Ash.”

“We better get into the change rooms. Coach will go nuts if we’re late.” Macca winks at me. Clearly Oliver has already let him in on the secret. I wonder how much longer he’s going to wait before letting Ashley know.

“See you after the game, girlfriend,” Oliver murmurs, giving me his award-winning lopsided grin.

He leans in to brush his lips over mine and my heart is pounding double time in my chest. I’m still not used to this. He winks at me and Ashley before following Macca to the change rooms.

Ashley’s mouth drops open and, for the first time in the six years I’ve known her, she’s speechless.

“What… I… you…” She shakes her head. “Did that seriously just happen?”

I laugh. “That seriously just happened.” I link my arm through hers and drag her over to the fence surrounding the football oval.

“Tell me everything!” she squeals, causing a few people to turn and look at us. I shush her as heat rises up my cheeks.

Being the big rivalry match between Lakewood and Bridgeport, the football ground is already packed. The buzz of the crowd is electric as everyone knows there are a handful of players from both teams on the radar of AFL clubs–including Oliver and Joel. In my eyes, Oliver is hands-down the best player on the field, but I’m biased.