The four of us drop into chairs just as Ashley joins us with her new drink. “Now this is finally shaping up to be the best year ever!” Ashley says with a grin, and we all clink our drinks together.

I take a sip of my drink and smile. With everything that’s happened so far this year, I’m not sure I agree with Ashley, but it’s definitely starting to turn around.


The following week, I decide to skip the movies with Macca and JD in favour of hanging out with Hannah. I lay on my back, shoulder to shoulder with her as we watchTeen Beach 2on her laptop. She’s a huge fan of movie musicals, and I’m just happy to be hanging out with her, no matter how lame the movie is. I have to admit, the Aussie actress who plays the surfer dude’s girlfriend in the movie is kind of cute. I smirk as they break into a dance-off at the school dance. I wouldn’t mind seeing my best friend in that pink dress.

I yawn and stretch my hands above my head. Hannah takes advantage of my T-shirt rising up and tickles me.

I groan, grabbing her hands and rolling on top of her, pinning them down by her side. “You know I hate that!”

She rolls her eyes, laughing as she squirms underneath me, trying to get free.

“Real mature.” I grin down at her without budging an inch.

My stomach performs backflips as I stare into her sparkling eyes. Her auburn hair fans around her face, and I’m desperate to run my fingers through it. My heart pounds in my chest, and I worry she can feel it.

I slowly lean my face toward hers, but the sound of Brad stomping down the hall breaks the spell, and I quickly roll off her. “Sorry,” I mutter, feeling the heat spread up the back of my neck. I sit up and lean back against the wall.

Hannah shuffles up next to me, brushing her hair out of her face. “I’m going to get a drink.” She glances up at me, her cheeks flushed. “You want one?”

I nod, watching as she leaves the room. Running my hands over my face, I take a few deep breathes, trying to calm my racing heart.Get a grip. It’s only been a month. She’s not ready for you to throw yourself at her.

“So, the big ANAC Day clash tomorrow.” Hannah blushes as she returns to her bedroom, passing me a glass of water. She perches on her desk across the room.

Great, she can’t even stand being near you now.I swallow the ice-cold liquid, placing the empty glass on her bedside table. “Yep.”

“Are the Lakewood Lions finally ready to beat the Bridgeport Bears after three embarrassing years of losing?” she jokes.

“Ha ha.” I roll my eyes at her.

She shrugs, a smirk crossing her face. “Sorry, not sorry.”

I laugh. “You goof. Nah, seriously, though. We’re looking good. I really think we’ve got a chance. Besides, we’ve won our last three games, so we’re going in on a winning streak.”

“Um, doesn’t Joel play for the Bears?”


“How’s that going to go?”

“I dunno. I’ve been avoiding him at school.”

Principal Fraser hadn’t kicked me off the school footy team after my suspension, but Mr Page was keeping us apart, training the forwards and backs separately.

“So, uh, do you think you’ll come watch?” I ask her, picking at my thumbnail.

“Of course. I haven’t missed a game yet.” Her smile falters. “Uh, I may be a little late though.”

“How come?”

“I’m booked in to get my licence.”

My chest tightens as I picture Hannah’s lifeless eyes staring back at me. This time she’s in the driver’s seat.


I shake my head to try and clear it.