Unfortunately, I have the worst luck in the world. Oliver and JD are walking up the footpath to Macca’s house when we pull up. Ashley quickly thanks her mum for the lift and scrambles out of the car, calling out to them. Her mum shoots me a sympathetic smile as I follow.

“JD!” Ashley grabs his arm, pulling him towards the house. “Just the person I was looking for.” He shoots a confused look back over his shoulder at Oliver who just shrugs.

“What’s that all about?” Oliver falls into step with me.

“Just Ash being Ash.” I stare at the ground, wishing it would swallow me up. “So, great game today. You played really well.”

“Thanks.” He opens the front door, letting me walk through ahead of him. “I still can’t believe I got to speak to Stephen Rogers.”

“It’s pretty cool. I guess that’ll help you with the draft?”


I follow Oliver through the house and out to the backyard. It’s a clear night, and I rub my arms as the chilly autumn air cuts through my long-sleeve grey knit dress.

A few people are huddled around a firepit and Macca’s stepdad has placed three gas heaters around the deck area. I make my way over to stand next to one, grateful for the instant warmth. I look around for Ashley, but I can’t spot her anywhere. It’s like she disappeared into thin air. There’s a DJ set up under the pergola, a group of guys are playing a game of pool in the garage, and there’s a bar set up manned by two guys from Jake’s year.

“Can I ask you something?”

I blink up at Oliver, surprised he’s still by my side. “Uh, yeah. Sure.”

I wave at a couple of girls from school. They smile at me, but their eyes widen when they realise Oliver is by my side. I groan. This is going to get straight back to Sarah.Thank God I have one more week of holidays left before I have to face her again!

Oliver hasn’t said anything, and I look up to find him staring at the girls across from us, whispering and nodding in our direction.

I frown as I nudge him. “You wanted to ask me something?”

“Huh?” He shakes his head and looks down, his hazel eyes swirling as they try to focus on me.

“You just said–” I swallow, this is just getting awkward. “Never mind.” I start to walk off, but he grabs my hand.

I freeze, staring at his hand on mine and trying to ignore the fluttering sensation flowing through my body. He obviously misreads my body language because he drops my hand like he was burned.

“Sorry,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “I, uh, I was wondering…”

He breaks off as one of the girls from school let out a snort of laughter, following it up with, “Looks like she finally got what she wanted. Too bad he’s now Sarah’s sloppy seconds.”

I glare at her. “Oh please, Felicity. Like I care what you think. Oliver and I have been friends since we were kids. Shut up about things you have absolutely no idea about.”

Felicity scowls, heat rising up from her neck. She opens her mouth to bite back, but her friends push her away from us. I watch them walk away before turning back to Oliver.

A pained expression flashes across his eyes, and he closes them briefly. When he opens them again, he forces a smile down at me. “So, we’re friends again?”

I shrug, jabbing his shoulder. “I’ve always been your friend; I just didn’t like the friendyoubecame there for a while.”

“Touché.” He chuckles. “Do you want a drink?”

I nod, confused by the change in topic. “Sure, thanks.”

While Oliver is gone, I roll out the tension in my shoulders from the run in with Felicity. I hate that the mention of Sarah still has the power to upset me. She’s not worth it. When he returns, Oliver hands me a plastic cup with vodka and orange juice.

“You, uh, look really nice tonight.” He takes a gulp of his beer, and I subconsciously bring my hand up to my hair, wishing I’d done something with it other than leaving it in the same messy bun it’s been in all day.

“Thanks.” A flush rises over my cheeks. “So do you.”

He lets out a snort of laughter and I look up at him, my eyebrows lifting.

“I’m sorry,” he says, covering his mouth as he struggles to contain himself. “Really. It’s just…” he snorts again, grabbing his sides. “What the hell’s wrong with us? Why are we so awkward around each other?”