“Kenzie?” I ask, scrunching my face up.

“His girlfriend.”

“Oh.” I didn’t even know he was seeing anybody.

“I, um, I also had to speak to the school chaplain after I got suspended for punching Joel on the footy field at school.”

I can’t stop my mouth from dropping open. “You what?”

Oliver opens his eyes, using his arm to shade his face from the sun. Turning his head to look at me, he explains, “The doctor had put me on meds after the accident – for anxiety and my trouble sleeping – and had just upped it again. My body was still trying to adjust, Joel was getting under my skin on the footy field, and I reacted.” He shrugs. “I guess I deserve what I got last night two-fold.”

“I guess so,” I agree, punching him lightly on the shoulder. He grins at me as he rubs his arm, and I finally give him a small smile in return, but it quickly drops. “Getting into fights? Oli, this isn’t you. You need to stop making excuses.”

He leans forward on his elbows, burying his head in his hands. Something else that he said is niggling at me, and I nudge him so that he looks up at me.

“Medication? Is that what you and Jake were fighting about at your birthday?” I pick at my thumbnail.Is that why he kissed me? A combination of whatever medication he was on, mixed with all the alcohol he had to drink that night?

“It doesn’t matter. It’s under control now.”

I raise my eyebrows.

“It is. I promise.” He rests his head on my shoulder. “I’m glad we’re talking again,” he murmurs.

It’s my turn to shrug. “Maybe.”

Ashley squeals when I tell her about what happened between Sarah, Oliver and Joel over the weekend. “So, he confessed his undying love for you?”

I roll my eyes as I lean against my locker. “Of course that’s all you take out of everything I just told you.”

She shrugs. “Hate to say, ‘I told you so.’ See, my plan is coming into fruition. I got the lead inI’ve Got the Music in Me, Oli has confessed his undying love for you – now all that needs to happen is Lucas to fall madly in love with me and this will return to being the best last year of school for us again.” Glancing around, she raises her eyebrows. “Another positive is he’s not dating the wicked bitch of Our Lady.”

“Mmhmm.” My stomach churns at the thought of running into her in homeroom. After everything that happened on the weekend, she’ll find some way of making it my fault and causing more trouble for me.

“So, are you and Oli… you know?” She grins.

I groan, grabbing my books out of my locker and slamming it shut. “We’re just friends, Ash. He ignored me for weeks while hooking up with the one person I hate the most. I’m not just going to forgive him after one day.”

Ashley sighs. “Boys can be real clueless sometimes.”


“Do you think something might eventually happen though?” She flutters her eyelids at me. “I mean, you do have to admit he’s ridiculously good looking with that scruffy ‘don’t give a shit’ look he’s got going on at the moment.”

I level her with a stare. “Leave it.”

“Okay, okay.” She raises her hands in defence. “Have you booked in to get your licence yet?”

I shake my head. “I’ve had a bit going on, and I still need to get in a few more hours on my learner’s permit. Mum said she’ll book it in for me next month.” Glancing down at my watch, I realise I can’t procrastinate any longer. I have to get to class. “Is it too late to fake an illness?”

Ashley links her elbow in mine. “Come on, I’ll drop you off myself.”

“You don’t have to,” I protest, but she’s having none of it.

“You should go in there and rub it in her face,” Ashley lectures me as we walk.

My mouth is bone dry. I can’t do this.