When I get home, I wrap it and place it on the coffee table. I take a deep breath and dial Hannah’s number. It goes straight to voicemail. I hang up and wait five minutes, my knee bouncing up and down impatiently. I try again. Voicemail again. I groan. I don’t want to just rock up to her house, I don’t know if I’ll even be welcome.

Rubbing my hands over my face, I try to think of what to do. I need Jake. He’d know what to do. I shoot him a message asking him when he’s coming home, but he’s staying at Kenzie’s for dinner.

I try calling Hannah again, but it’s still going to voicemail. That’s weird. She never turns her phone off, why would she do it on her birthday? I check my watch. It’s four-thirty. What could she be doing that would entail her to turn off her phone?

My phone beeps and I pick it up, hoping to see Hannah’s name, but it’s Sarah. Swallowing down the disappointment, I click on her text.

Hey bf! Sorry I’ve been MIA, the step-monster has been keeping me locked in a prison (JK) but I did just get my phone back. I miss you! North Heights party tonight? <3<3<3 Caley and Nick are on their way to mine for pre-drinks.

Well that explains the radio silence. Her step-mum must really have it out for her.

Once again, I’m torn between my best friend and my girlfriend. But my best friend isn’t answering her phone. I sigh, cast another look at Hannah’s present, sitting on the coffee table, then text Sarah back.

Be there soon.

The music pumps through my veins as I knock back another shot of tequila with Sarah. It doesn’t wash down the guilt I feel about missing Hannah’s eighteenth birthday though. Not that I can do anything about her not answering her phone. My stomach churns, and it has nothing to do with the row of empty shot glasses covering the coffee table in front of me.

Running her hand up my arm, Sarah trails kisses down my jaw. “You seem distracted,” she purrs. I press my lips to hers, not wanting to admit she’s right. She grins, raising her eyebrows. “Care to take this somewhere a little more private?”

“Uh…” I rub the back of my neck as I glance around the packed living room filled with people I don’t know. Caley’s playing beer pong with a couple of North Heights guys. “Let’s go play.” I grab Sarah’s hand and pull her over to the table.

“Sarah!” Caley stumbles as she flings her arms around her friend’s neck. “Oli! You guys are the best. I love you guys sooo much.”

“You’re drunk,” Sarah slurs, laughing at her.

I roll my eyes as I start filling up the empty cups on the table with cans of vodka and raspberry from the esky next to the pool table. We’re all drunk, but I’m not drunk enough. Not yet. Not when all I can think about is Hannah. I pick up one of the cups, downing the contents in three large gulps.

“Hey!” Caley protests slapping at my arm. “We haven’t even started yet.”

I shrug before refilling the cup and putting it back on the table. The guy Caley’s playing with picks up the ping pong and lines up the shot. It lands in one of the cups in front of me. I give a two-fingered salute as I knock back yet another drink. The room starts to spin, and I sway slightly. I place my hands on the table to steady myself as my stomach swirls.

Sarah’s laugh grates my nerves as she rubs my back. “I think you should slow – oh shit!”

I glance up at her, but she’s staring over my shoulder. I try to turn around and stumble into her. She grabs my arm to steady me as I hear a familiar voice.

“What the hell, Sarah?” Joel’s eyes are like fire as he stares at us with his fists clenched by his side. “I didn’t want to believe you were cheating on me with Johnson, but I guess I shouldn’t expect anything less from you.”

My stomach lurches.Tell me this isn’t happening. This is majorly messed up.

“Look, Joel.” I take an unsteady step forward, my hands raised in front of me. “I don’t know what’s going on, but–”

Joel’s palm shoves into my chest stopping me in place, and he glares at me. “Shut up.” Dropping his hand, he turns back to face Sarah. “Is this why you’ve been so distant lately? Because you’ve been hanging out withhim?”

Sarah lets out a snort. “Like you’ve even noticed. Your head is too far up your dad’s arse to give a crap about me.”

Joel reels back like he’s been slapped. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Ignoring his question, she asks, “What are you even doing here?”

He holds up his phone. “One of the guys from my footy club sent me a message. Said you were here with this jackarse.”

Sarah crossed her arms over her chest and sticks her nose in the air. “It’s over Joel. It’s been over. You and your dad don’t have to worry about anylittle distractionsanymore.” She wraps her manicured hand around my bicep, pushing her breasts up against my arm. I shake my head and try to move away, but her grip is like a vice. “I’m with Oli now.”

The bass from the music is giving me a headache, and the alcohol in my stomach is threatening to come back up. Joel is staring at the two of us in utter disbelief.

“Why are you doing this Sarah?” He asks, his voice barely audible over the background noise of the party. “We’ve been together for almost two years. I don’t…” he takes a deep breath, closing his eyes briefly.