“Oliver?” Principal Fraser’s voice drips in disappointment. “Care to give me your version of what happened?”

I shrug.

“You know we have a zero tolerance for violence here at St Christopher’s.”

The silence is deafening. I can feel both the Physical Education teacher and my principal’s eyes on me.

Finally, the latter sighs and says, “I have no choice but to suspend you. Considering everything else you have going on, and because it is your first offence, it will just be a one-day suspension. We won’t remove your sports captaincy from you,” he pauses. “For now. But when you return to school on Friday you will need to apologise to Mr West, and I want you to see Ms Scott before we let you come back after your suspension.”

My eyes snap up to his. “I don’t need to see Ms Scott. I saw a psychologist in the holidays. I’m fine, I don’t need to talk to anyone.” I rub my hands over my face.Why is this happening to me? Why won’t they all just leave me alone?

Sadness fills his eyes as he shakes his head. “I’m sorry, Oliver, but it’s non-negotiable.”

I drop my head into my hands. Mr Fraser picks up the phone to call Mum. He doesn’t tell her everything that’s happened, just asks that she come in to pick me up. She’ll be freaking out at getting a call from the principal – I haven’t been in trouble my whole six years at the school.

My stomach clenches as I make my way through the deserted hallways to get my bag from my locker. Everyone else is in their afternoon classes and my life just feels like it’s falling apart even more.

Mum’s making her way out of Principal Fraser’s office as I return. She sniffs as she nods at whatever he’s saying to her. “I’m so sorry,” she says. “Please pass on our sincere apology to Joel’s family.”

I hang my head and I follow her out to the car just as the final bell rings. Hovering at the passenger door, sweat coats my top lip. My hand shakes as I reach out to grab the handle and I can’t bring myself to open the door.

“Uh,” I croak out, my voice trembling. “Can I please walk home?”

Mum’s eyes pool with tears as she looks at me over the roof of her Volkswagen Golf. “What’s going on Oli? Talk to me.”

I glance around at the students flocking out of the school grounds. Rumours have clearly already begun to spread based on the furtive looks and whispers going on around me.

“Please Mum. We can talk about this at home.”

Relief washes over me as she nods and I exhale, stepping away from the car. Heading off in the direction of my house, I cringe as I hear someone calling my name. Keeping my head down, I groan inwardly as Macca catches up to me.

“So, what happened?” he asks when I don’t say anything.

“Suspension,” I mutter.

“Ah shit, mate, that sucks.”

I shrug – my default response at the moment. “Zero violence policy.”

He nods, deep in thought. “Are you going to tell me what it was all about?”

Again, I shrug. “I don’t know.”

“Joel can be a smartass sometimes, but hitting him was a bit over the top, don’t you think?”

Another shrug.

“Oli, I…” He runs his hand through his hair, scratching his head before reaching out and laying his hand on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. “Look, I know things are pretty shit for you with everything with your dad, and I have no idea what it’s like, but–”

Wrenching my shoulder out of his grip I give him a scathing look. “Yeah, you have no idea what it’s like, so just back off. Like I keep telling everyone: I’m fine. I’m handling it.”

Macca levels me with a stare. “You’re clearly not handling it, or you wouldn’t have been suspended.”

He shakes his head. “Whatever, man. You don’t wanna talk to me? That’s fine. I’m just trying to help.” He pauses but when I don’t respond he walks off, calling over his shoulder, “See you at training tomorrow night.”

I kick at a rock as I turn and head home.Whatever. I don’t need any help.

Unfortunately, Mum has other plans. She’s waiting for me at the kitchen bench when I walk in, a serious frown marring her tired features. My shoulders slump as I sit down in front of her. The muscles in my neck contract, and I roll my shoulders back trying to stretch out the tension.