He sighs. “No, but we were both at the same party. I’m here and you’re not.” He pauses and I wonder if he’s actually hung up on me. No such luck. “Maybe you should take it easy on the alcohol. It’s a draft year and–”

“Macca?” I interrupt. “Enough. I don’t need a lecture from you. I missed one training. I’ll be there on Tuesday. It’s no big deal.”

“No worries, see ya at school tomorrow.” He’s pissed.

“Yeah, you will.” I hang up.

I pull my pillow over my head. My brain pulsates in my skull. I need water. The bathroom door is locked so I make my way to the kitchen, which thankfully, is deserted. I don’t need any more questions or judgement from anyone else today. I grab two more Paracetamol tablets from the medicine box and stick my mouth under the tap, guzzling the ice cold water.

As I make my way back to my room hoping I don’t run into my mum or Jake, I pray the nightmares will stay away. I curl up under the doona clutching my churning stomach. Tossing and turning, I wait for the tablets to relieve the thumping in my head and finally succumb to sleep.


How could he do this to me?

I haven’t told Oliver the names of the girls who’ve been making my life a living hell at school, but it still hurts. If it wasn’t clear before then it certainly is now after JD’s party. Hooking up with Sarah was like taking out a billboard sign with neon flashing lights. He regrets our kiss and has no feelings for me beyond friendship. Although, at the moment, even that’s a strain.

I didn’t say anything to Ashley at the party. I didn’t want to bring the mood down or cause a confrontation, because if she’d actually seen Oliver going inside with Sarah, she would’ve made a huge deal about it. It isn’t as if Oliver hasn’t kissed other girls before - he’s an eighteen-year-old boy. But this is the first time he’s kissed someone else since whatever it is that happened between us at his birthday.And it’s Sarah.My final year of high school is shaping up to be my worst.

I spend all day Sunday moping in my bedroom, working on an article for the magazine:Friends or Frenemies? How to identify toxic relationships. It’s such a depressing article that by Monday morning when I get a text message from Ashley saying she’s staying home sick, I feel like crying.

At school, my world continues to crumble even more when I spot Sarah, Caley, and Tiana standing across from my locker. Tiana is staring at the ground, scuffing her shoe against the concrete floor, but Caley’s face lights up in a cruel smirk when she sees me. She elbows Sarah to get her attention.

“Oh hey, Hannah,” Sarah drawls. “How was your weekend?”

I ignore her as I open my locker to get my books.

She leans up against Ashley’s locker raising her perfectly manicured brows at me. “So, what did you get up to anyway?”

Slamming my locker shut, I turn my back on her and head toward homeroom, which I unfortunately share with her and Tiana.

“How wasyourweekend, Sarah?” Caley asks in a sickly-sweet voice as they follow me down the hall.

“Oh, it wasfantastic, thanks for asking.”

My stomach clenches.

“Caley,” Tiana mutters. “Isn’t your homeroom in the other direction?”

Ignoring her, Caley continues aiding Sarah’s torture of me. “Tell me all about your fantastic weekend.”

“Well, I had the best make out session with Oliver Johnson at JD’s party, and he told me I was the most beautiful girl he’s hooked up with. And let me tell you, that boy can kiss! Isn’t that right, Hannah? Oh, I forgot… you wouldn’t know, would you?”

Sarah and Caley laugh.

I squeeze my eyes shut. I wish I had Ashley’s confidence to stick up for myself. Instead, I turn around, shove past Sarah and Caley and run all the way back to my locker. For the first time in my six years of high school, I’m going to ditch.

Tiana catches up with me near the front gate as the bell rings.

“Hannah, I’m so sorry about what they did to you.”

“Why are you even friends with them?” I snap at her.

She takes a step back. Giving a slight shrug, she says, “We’ve been friends since we were little kids. There’s a lot you don’t know.”

I scoff.

“Sarah is… I mean, she has…” Tiana bites her lip. “It’s just… difficult for her at home and–”