“Have you been drinking, Oli?”

Hannah’s soft voice startles me, and I look over at her with bleary eyes.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, my words slurring.

She shakes her head, her sad eyes burning into my soul. “Why are you doing this to me?”

“Doing what?”

Her scream rips through me. “Look out!”

The bright lights through the front windshield blind me. I slam on the brakes, swerving. My head feels like it’s splitting in two as it smashes against the driver’s side window. The glass shatters around us as the car wraps around the tree.

My eyes fly open, squinting against the bright light streaming through my open blinds, and I bring my fists up to massage my temple. My brain throbs like it’s going to pound out of my skull. I heave a couple times, but I have nothing left to bring up. My mouth feels like sandpaper. I groan.Someone kill me now.

My phone buzzes, and I reach over to swipe it from my bedside table.

“Hello?” I croak.

“Big night last night?”

My stomach twists as Hannah’s voice washes over me.She’s alive. Of course she’s alive. It was only a dream.I clear my throat.

“Hey. Um… yeah. I guess you could say that.” I cough, grabbing my head in my hands. It feels like it’s going to explode.


My mind flashes back to the look on Hannah’s face when she saw me with Sarah last night. “Did you… uh… did you have a good night? I didn’t get to talk to you.”

“Mmhmm. It was okay.”

I sigh. “Hannah, you called me. I’m really bloody hungover right now, my head is pounding, and I can’t think straight. Was there a reason you called?”

“I… um… you know what, never mind.” She sniffs. “I’ll talk to you later.” The silence is deafening as she disconnects.

Groaning, I drop my phone next to me and run my hands over my face.What is this girl doing to me?My phone buzzes again, and I squeeze my eyes shut, bringing it up to my ear.


Macca’s voice is far too chirpy. “Where you at, man? You’re late.”

“For what?” I pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Training. Coach is pissed.”

Shit!“Yeah… uh… I don’t think I’m gonna be able to make it today.”Not with my skull being attacked by a bloody jackhammer right now.The sounds of a whistle being blown on the other end of the line causes me to wince.

“You’re the captain.” Macca points out.

“It’s just preseason.”

“Not a great example to set. There’s only one month until the season starts.”

“It’s the first session I’ve missed. Cut me some slack.”

“How much did you drink last night?”

“Seriously?” I rub my hand over my face. “What are you? My mum?”