Brushing a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, I press my lips up against hers. It’s different to my kiss with Hannah. She’s different. She wraps her arms around my neck, and I shiver as her cold beer bottle hits my skin.

“Sorry,” she giggles, pulling away from me to rest her drink on the coffee table. I place mine down next to it.

“That’s okay.” I shift on the couch so my arm wraps around her shoulder. She tilts her head back up to meet mine, this time parting her lips slightly in invitation.

“You’re so beautiful, Hannah,” I murmur around kisses. Sarah freezes. “Shit. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.”

“Who’s Hannah?” She asks quietly, sitting back and crossing her arms across her stomach.

“She’s nobody,” I lie, shaking my head. My stomach rolls and I rub the back of my neck.

“Full disclosure?” Sarah raises her eyebrows. I nod and she opens her bag and pulls out a small bottle of vodka, twisting the lid off before taking a swig. “My ex-boyfriend? He goes to St Christopher’s…” She offers the bottle to me, and I wince as the liquid burns my throat on the way down. “I don’t really want him to find out I’ve kissed someone else.”

It’s my turn to raise my eyebrows. “Again, do I know this ex-boyfriend?” I look back in the direction of the party. “Is he here? I’m not gonna get my head bashed in or something am I?”

She giggles. “No. He’s not here. He’s at his grandparents this weekend.” She follows my gaze. “What about this Hannah? Is she here?”

“I’m really sorry, Sarah.” Heat rises up my neck, spreading to my cheeks. “She’s no one. It doesn’t even matter if she’s here or not. There’s nothing going on with us.” I reach over to grab her hand, relief flooding me when she doesn’t pull away. “Promise.”

“You sure?” she asks, taking another mouthful of vodka as she interlocks our fingers. I nod grabbing my beer off the coffee table. My stomach clenches with my lie.I’m screwed.

“Do you want to tell me about her?” Sarah asks, watching me swallow down the rest of my beer.

“I told you, she’s no one. It was a slip of the tongue.” I hold up my empty drink with a wry grin. “Too much alcohol.”

She cocks her head to the side. “I don’t mind.”

What the hell is going on? How did this turn from a make out session into a therapy session?I reach for the bottle of vodka again. “Let’s just focus on you and me.”

Sarah’s eyes sparkle as she smiles. I close my eyes and she runs her fingers through my hair.

“I’ll help you forget about her,” she whispers bringing her lips back to mine.


The room spins later that night as I’m lying in my bed. My thoughts return to the look on Hannah’s face as she watched me walk off with Sarah. I didn’t even speak to her because she’d left by the time I returned to the party after finishing the bottle of vodka with Sarah. Sarah slipped out JD’s front door, so no one from St Christopher’s would see us together and tell her ex. She still won’t tell me who he is. I can respect that. She doesn’t owe me anything after hooking up once at a party.

My stomach churns from all the alcohol I consumed, and I stumble to the bathroom across the hall, only just making it to the toilet before emptying my stomach contents. Heaving a couple more times, I finally lean my face against the ice-cold tiles surrounding the bathtub.

Pulling myself to my feet with a groan, I brush my teeth and splash some water on my face. My eyes are bloodshot. I groan at the throbbing in my head and search the bathroom cabinets for some Paracetamol. After swallowing a couple of tablets, I make my way back to my bedroom.

Picking up my phone, I have a text from Sarah. We exchanged numbers before she snuck out and I returned to the party. Clicking on her name, I’m greeted by a photo of her blowing a kiss to the camera followed by a message:

Thanks for a fun night sexy xo hope to do it again soon!

I squeeze my eyes shut. Hooking up with Sarah was supposed to make me forget my feelings for Hannah. Now I’m just conflicted. Sarah’s flirty, fun, and didn’t seem to mind too much when I accidentally called her the wrong name. But Hannah’s… Hannah. She’s kind and funny, caring, selfless, and beautiful. She has no idea the power she has over people.Hell, I’m only just realising how much power she has over me.

But Sarah’s the safer option. Casual, no expectations, and if it fizzles out, I won’t lose my best friend. My head is too scrambled from the alcohol to think of anything cool to write so I send:

Had a great night tonight. See you next weekend?

I watch the three dots appear immediately.

You know it babe(kissing emoji).

Plugging my phone into the charger, I lay back and wait for sleep to take me.