“At least tell Ash then,” he says, shaking his head.

“How do you know I haven’t already told her?”

Oliver gives me his trademark grin this time, dimples and all. “Because she would’ve been trying to enlist my help in conspiring against her and the other bitches.”

I roll my eyes, but he has me and he knows it. I haven’t told Ashley that Sarah’s still giving me a hard time, and Sarah’s smart enough to corner me when Ashley’s not around.

“Okay,” I say finally. “I’ll be fine. I’ve got this.”

“Yeah, you do.”

“Thanks for calling.”

“Got your back.”

I smile before hanging up the phone.

As I walk to school, I roll over ideas in my head on how I can stand up for what I have planned for the magazine without Tiana sabotaging it all, but it isn’t going to be that easy. Mr Porter is expecting Tiana and I to work together, and I don’t see how I’m going to get around it without looking like a spoiled brat throwing a temper tantrum. Groaning, I realise I’m going to have to give Tiana the benefit of the doubt that Sarah doesn’t know she’s working on the school magazine – at least for now.

It’s pretty hard to stick to that resolve when I see the trio standing across from my locker. Fortunately, Ashley’s walking toward me with a huge grin on her face. Sarah isn’t stupid. She won’t start anything with Ashley around because she knows Ashley will give it back just as hard. She huffs and walks off in the other direction. Tiana shoots me an apologetic look, and I force a small smile.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” Ashley grabs my hands, jumping up and down. “I got an audition with Lakewood Dramatic Arts!” She squeals. “I’m so excited! Everything is falling into place. You got editor of the magazine, and I got my audition! Now I just need to land the lead part and then Lucas and I will get married and have lots of beautiful, talented babies.”

I laugh. “That escalated quickly from him falling madly in love with you to you having his babies. Won’t it impact yourglamorousacting career,dahling?”

“Ah, details shmeetails.” She waves her hand in my face. “The point is this is going to be the best senior year ever!”

“Uh huh.” I glance down the end of the hall where Sarah is smirking at me.

Ashley follows my gaze. “She isn’t still giving you a hard time, is she?” She scowls. “Because if she is–”

“No, no.” I tug on Ashley’s arm and pull her away in the opposite direction. I need to deal with this myself. I can’t let Ashley - or anyone else - fight my battles for me. “It’s all good. So, when’s your audition?”

Another thing I’m grateful for with Ashley is how easy she is to distract by moving the focus to herself. I nod along and make the appropriate supportive noises as she tells me the specifics of her audition (Friday afternoon at four p.m.); describes the outfit she’s going to wear (black leggings with a black and white striped off-the-shoulder top and her white converse); and the song she’s going to sing (This is Mefrom The Greatest Showman – “because the song totally builds, you know? And I need something that will show off my range”). When we make it to my homeroom, the nerves kick in knowing Sarah’s behind the door.

“See you at lunch?” Ashley nudges me out of my negative thoughts. I give her a small smile as I push open the door to my classroom.

“Oh look, it’s the poor pathetic virgin,” Sarah’s voice greets me. She’s been lurking near the door. A few girls sitting nearby snigger, looking away from me as I glare at them. They’re just glad she’s picking on me today, and not them.

Ignoring Sarah, I walk over and drop into my seat.

“You’ve made your point,” Tiana mutters.

Not used to being put in her place, Sarah sends a scowl in her friend’s direction. “What? Are you two besties now?”

Tiana scoffs, but there’s a tremor in her voice as she says, “As if. I just don’t know why you’re wasting your time.”

Thankfully, at that moment Ms Meaks shows up, and Sarah blows me a kiss as she takes her seat. I chance a quick glance back at Tiana, who smiles. She’s clearly afraid of crossing Sarah, yet she still tried to stick up for me anyway. I’m still not comfortable with the thought of working with her though.How did my life get so complicated?

I manage to avoid Sarah for the rest of the day. We don’t share any other classes on a Monday. I do share French and Literature with Caley and Media Studies with Tiana; but they both leave me alone when Sarah isn’t around. As we’re packing up the photography equipment, Tiana glances around to make sure no one’s paying any attention to us. She clearly doesn’t want it getting back to Sarah that she’s been spotted talking to me.

“I’m, uh, I’m really sorry about what Sarah said to you this morning,” Tiana murmurs, brushing her hair behind her ear.

“Forget about it.” My frustration takes over and I decide to ask the question that’s been bugging me since day one of school. “What’s her problem with me anyway?”

Tiana shrugs. “She knows Oliver has a real shot at making it in the AFL. He’s the best player in the league; everyone talks about him.”

The bell rings, and we watch our classmates leave the room. Mr Porter said we could stay back and use his room to work on the front cover of the magazine.