Oliver lay on his bed, his face buried in his pillow.

“Oli?” I hesitate. For the first time in thirteen years, I’m unsure of myself in his presence. “What… uh…” I exhale. “What was that?”

He groans. “Please, Hannah. I can’t do this right now. I’m too drunk. I shouldn’t have kissed you.”

Why not?“I–”

“I’m sorry.” He rolls over so his back faces me. “I just need to be alone right now.”

My stomach drops. I open my mouth, then shut it again. Turning, I walk out of his room and straight out the front door, kicking off my strappy sandals as soon as I’m outside. I run home as fast as I can, unable to escape my thoughts, and lock myself in my bedroom.Why the hell did he kiss me? What does it mean? Why did I like it so much? And why did he say he shouldn’t have done it?I’d never thought about my best friend as anything other than just that, but his kiss sparked something inside of me. I just have to figure out what this means for us.

“What do you mean ‘he kissed you’?!” Ashley’s mouth is wide open as she stares at me the next day. We lay on deck chairs under the sprinkler, trying to get some respite from the morning heat.

“Shhhhh.” I glance back at the house to make sure my parents or Brad aren’t within ear shot.

“Whoa, this ishugenews.” She sits forward on her chair, adjusting the strings on the top of her hot pink bikini top. “Was it good?”

It’d been over before it began, but my lips tingled long after I’d gotten home.

“It doesn’t matter. He was drunk and clearly regretted it.” I cringe as I recall his words from last night; he couldn’t even look at me.

“Orrrrrrrrr…” Ashley stretches out the word, always the optimist. “He’s madly in love with you and pulled you in for a passionate embrace whilst overwhelmed by his undeniable feelings for his stunningly beautiful goddess of a best friend.” I roll my eyes at my dramatic friend as she sucks in a deep breath, but she isn’t finished. “And then he got scared he would never ever be good enough for you, so he pushed you away before you could break his delicate heart. It won’t be long before he realises his mistake and comes beating down your door, begging you to forgive him. You’ll kiss under a storm in the middle of one of his football games and then live happily ever after.” She pretends to swoon by placing her arm dramatically over her forehead.

“Shut up.” I swat her, but I can’t help the fit of laughter that follows. “You’ve been watchingA Cinderella Storyagain, haven’t you?”

She winks. “I do love me some Chad Michael Murray.”

I shake my head as I lay back on my chair, soaking up the warmth from the sun’s rays. This is all so confusing. My brain’s turned to mush.

As if reading my thoughts, Ashley asks in a more serious tone. “How doyoufeel about him kissing you?”

Like I want him to do it again.

“I don’t know,” I lie.

Why does it feel like the real answer to that question could cost me my best friend?


I squint over at Dad trying to bring his face into focus, but the headlights of the oncoming car blind me. My head smacks against the window on impact, a sharp pain shooting through my skull. I press my hand to my forehead, feeling the warm blood running down my head. Shit!

“Dad?” I panic, turning to check he’s okay. But it isn’t Dad next to me. It’s Hannah. Her eyes blank, staring straight through me. A sharp pain slices through my chest as I let out a guttural sound.

I wake with a start, my heart racing. My mouth is dry, and I kick the blankets off. It’s the third night in a row I’ve woken from this nightmare. I rub my eyes, trying to erase the image of my best friend’s lifeless face covered with blood. A lump rises in my throat, and I think I’m going to be sick.

Making my way across the hall to the bathroom, I bend over the sink and heave a couple of times, but nothing comes up. I splash cold water on my face. Staring into the mirror, I run a finger over the white puckered scar above my left eye; a constant reminder that I’m here and Dad’s not. My eyes are heavy. I sigh at the dark circles underneath them. Tomorrow (today?)is my first day of year twelve and instead of looking fresh and rested from the holidays, I look like I haven’t slept in months. Which, technically, is true.A great way to start the school year.

I strip off my sweat-soaked T-shirt and stuff it in the laundry basket before heading back to my room. I look over at my bed and sigh. I’m not going to get any more sleep tonight. Slipping on a fresh T-shirt, some sweatpants and my sneakers, I climb out my bedroom window. These late night/early morning runs are now my new normal.

My brothers are still in bed when I return from my run. Jake’s taking a year off from studying, not quite sure what he wants to do yet. Sam will be leaving in a week to head back to Melbourne before starting his post grad next month. Personally, I can’t wait to see the back of him. At least then I’ll have fewer people breathing down my neck.

Mum is in the kitchen, reading the paper and drinking her coffee. “How was your run?” Her sad eyes wash over my body as I help myself to a bottle of water from the fridge.


“You’ve been running a lot lately.”