“Your dad used his connections at the club. It’s… uh… well, it’s technically from the both of us.” Her words stun me.

White noise overwhelms me as I stare at the football guernsey in my hands. I run my hand over the number forty-four on the back - the number of my favourite player when I was growing up, Corey Enright.If I can be even half the player he was…


I blink at Hannah. She’s chewing on her bottom lip as she tucks a strand of her long auburn hair behind her ear. My lips part subconsciously.How’ve I never noticed how incredibly beautiful she is?

“Sorry, I… uh…” I clear my throat. “This… uh…this took me by surprise, that’s all.”

Hannah tilts her head at me, her nose scrunched up and…Oh God,I want to kiss her.Where the hell did that come from?

“Thanks heaps, seriously, for the guernsey, I mean. I really do love it,” I ramble as I place her gift on my chest of drawers. “We should, uh, go join the party. I can’t hide out in here forever.” I exhale, moving to brush past her on my way out the door.

My pulse quickens as she places her cool fingers on my arm to stop me. “Are you sure you’re okay? I didn’t mean to upset you with the gift.”

I swallow before pulling her in for a hug. Her hair smells like strawberries and coconut. I inhale the intoxicating scent.

“You didn’t,” I say. “It means a lot. Thank you.”

We head for the kitchen where Mum greets me with a huge smile. “Happy birthday, honey.”

“Thanks, Mum.” I kiss her cheek.

She squeezes my hand. “Your friends are all out the back. I’m going to head over to Debbie’s for a while. Have fun. Enjoy this time with them.”

I nod. After she leaves, I grab a beer from the fridge taking a giant slug, wincing as the metallic taste slides down my throat. Hannah helps herself to a bottle of water. I motion to the back door and she nods, following me outside.

“Here’s the birthday boy!” Macca’s grin is wide as he brings over a tray of vodka jelly shots. I down three in quick succession. I need to forget about the fact that my dad is dead and I survived. I glance at Hannah before grabbing another one. I’m definitely not ready to face my growing attraction towards my best friend. It’s still so fresh. The pain of waking up every day knowing Dad isn’t here sucks. I’m not in the right place to be starting something with Hannah. Who knows if these feelings are even real? She’s been taking care of me, checking in on me, every day since the accident. Eric would probably agree that I’m… what’s the word? Projecting on her or something.Yep. That’s one hundred per cent what it is.

I try to avoid her, but four beers later my eyes land on where she’s standing across the yard with Ashley, laughing as they watch a couple of the guys from school attempt trick shots on the basketball ring Dad installed for Jake on the back of our garage wall. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes sparkle. I haven’t heard her laugh since before the accident. I take another swig of my beer, trying to push down the knot that’s forming in my throat as I realiseI’mthe reason she hasn’t laughed like that. She’s been too busy worrying about me. My gaze drifts over to my brothers. They’re smiling as they talk to Macca, but it seems forced. There’s a sadness in their eyes. It’s tiring trying to keep up the act. The act of pretending everything is fine when it’s not.


“Have you noticed the way Oli’s been looking at you?” Ashley giggles before downing another one of Macca’s vodka jelly shots.

I roll my eyes. “You’re wasted.”

“I’m serious, Han. He hasn’t taken his eyes off you since he came out here. It must be this sexy little number here.” She waves her hand up and down indicating my dress.

Scoffing, I shake my head. This isn’t the first time she’s tried to make out that our friendship is more than just that. “We’ve been friends since we were five. I’m like a sister to him.”

“There’s nothing sisterly about the way he looks at you!”

I sigh. Whilst I’d have to be blind not to admit Oliver is good looking with his shaggy blond hair, hazel eyes and those gorgeous dimples when he smiles – it all pales to the fact I’ve seen him burp, fart, pick his nose, skin his knees, and vomit after drinking a bottle of wine we stole from his parents.

“I’m going to get some more water.” I make my way inside to the kitchen, pausing just outside the door when I hear Oliver and Jake’s heated voices.

“I think you need to slow down, little brother,” Jake hisses.

“Back off, Jake. I’m fine.” Oliver’s words are slurred but his anger is more than clear.

“It’s one thing to have a couple of drinks, but you need to be careful. You know it’s not good to mix alcohol with your medication.” Jake pauses. “You’re still taking it aren’t you?”

Wait, what medication?I shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but I also want to know what’s going on with my best friend.

“Yes, I’m still taking it,” Oliver seethes. “I don’t need you trying to take care of me. I’ll drink as much as I bloody want to drink. It’s my eighteenth birthday. Jesus Christ! You’re not Dad so stop acting like it.”
