Page 58 of Always Been You

“Why do you keep checking your phone?” Harper asks as she leans closer to stare down at my phone. She’s double fisting a Bud Light and what I believe to be a very strong vodka soda and I can already see the signs that she’s getting drunker. “Are you texting someone? A guy?” Her eyes widen before she takes a long sip of her beer. “Oh my God, are you seeing someone? You’re just never on your phone this much. That guy over there keeps looking at you,” she says all in one breath.

“Take a breath,” I tell her with a laugh. Harper and I are by ourselves, having gone to get drinks at the bar but I still haven’t broached the subject about James and now she may be a little too intoxicated to have this conversation. “And I’m not interested in whoever’s looking at me.” I scan quickly through the crowd before turning back to Harper.

“Gab, focus. Do you have a secret boyfriend? All those times you’re going to hang out with James,” she says using air quotes the best she can while holding a drink in each hand, “you’re really going to meet up with a guy, am I right?”

“No.” I shake my head. “I’m with James,” I tell her and I wish telling her the truth was that easy. I half expect her to press it more when our two friends come over. Luna and Aubrey live in the room across from Harper and me and after a semester of being introverts, we all decided to be friends. Luna’s wild curly hair has gotten significantly bigger due to the temperature of the club and now she has it up in a ponytail that she’s fluffing as she walks over.

“The guys here are so lame.” She pouts. “Are cheesy pick-up lines back in? Some guy literally just asked me if I fell from heaven; what is this, 1990?”

“You weren’t even alive in 1990,” Aubrey replies, and I laugh at their constant back and forth. They’ve been best friends for years, moving here from their hometown in Texas after they made a pact when they were young teenagers to go to the same college one day. “It is fucking hot in here though. Should we go somewhere else?”

“It’s ten degrees outside and we are in a crowded bar, anywhere fun is going to be just as hot. And the chances that all of our fakes will work a second time isn’t high as the night goes on.”

“Oh, come on, we all look twenty-one.” Luna points at all of us and then back to herself in the skin tight red dress that turned more than a few guys’ and girls’ heads when she walked by. She has the tiniest waist and not so tiny tits paired with green eyes and olive skin making her one of the most gorgeous girls I’ve ever seen in real life.

“You could get in anywhere on that dress alone, Luna,” I tell her and she shimmies and blows me a kiss.

“As could you, I swear every time you walk by a group of guys, they all stop talking and stare. Imagine having an ass like that.” She looks behind me and gives it a smack.

“I think every guy in a seven-foot radius just got hard watching you do that.” Harper laughs as she takes another sip of her vodka drink.

“Speaking of hard, my nipples could cut glass right now. Gab, isn’t that your sex on a stick older brother?” Luna asks.

God fucking dammit, James.

I can’t even allow myself to be turned on at the thought of being in the same room as him because I’m so annoyed that I was right. I knew there was a chance he’d show up and I should have had the foresight to tell him not to show up because I knew this would happen. The way Luna is looking at him she is probably going to try and mount him here on the dance floor.

I wince thinking about how the relationships with my friends will change. Even now, I’m annoyed with all of my friends for staring at my man like they are wondering what his mouth does.

I’m so not into the idea of Luna and Aubrey and possibly Harper vying for his attention all night.I look behind him and see he brought, is that…Isaac?

“Ladies,” his eyes look at everyone before landing on me. We are far enough away from the center of the room and the dance floor where the music is the loudest so James doesn’t have to shout for us to hear him.

“What are you doing here?” I say cocking my head to the side and putting my hand on one hip.

“Who cares?” Luna jokes and moves closer to him. I know she meant it innocently but I’m annoyed at her interjecting when I was not talking to her. See? This is exactly why I don’t want James around my friends. I’m not ready to tell them but how else can I get them to not… do any of that. “We should go dance!” Luna says and a wave of uneasiness washes over me.

Aubrey downs the rest of her drink, tipping her head back dramatically as she finishes it. “I could use another drink first, you guys want?”

“Another Tito’s soda,” Harper says pointing at her drink as a huge smile crosses her face. “Pleeeeease.”

“Same,” I tell them, knowing that I need more alcohol to deal with this shitshow. Unfortunately, I’m also well aware that more alcohol is probably the worst idea as it’s more likely that I’ll do something reckless and there are too many players involved right now.

I can’t afford to get reckless. I want to tell them on my own terms. Not because they sense something is going on between us.

I’m grateful when Aubrey and Luna surprisingly leave together to get the drinks, leaving just Harper and myself with the guys. “Hey, Isaac right?” I’ve met him a few times when James has had small get togethers at his apartment and here and there when I’ve been out with James. He seems like a good guy and James seems to like him. I’ve always been protective of him and very opinionated over the company he keeps because I don’t ever want him around negative energy.

Isaac’s attractive, objectively. He’s definitely lankier than James and a little shorter. Dark brown hair that connects to his very lush beard that I remember James once telling me he was slightly jealous of. Your beard is perfect, James, I think, willing him to hear me. “That’s me,” he says pointing to himself.“It’s good to see you, Gabrielle and you must be the roommate,” he says looking at Harper. “Irecognize that gorgeous smile.” Albeit, he is a little douchey.

She beams under his praise before turning to James. “James, I have to ask because Gab tells you everything. What can you tell me about her mystery man? She’s not giving anything up, but I know she’s seeing someone.”

“Harp!” I shoot a glare in her direction before turning to James who has a smug expression on his face. “We aren’t doing this now.”

“I’m just curious; you tell me everything and you’re definitely hiding something!” I can hear the intoxication in her voice making it a bit higher pitched than usual.

“How about we go dance?” Isaac interjects as he grabs Harper’s hand and runs his lips over her knuckles.

Harper visibly swoons and before I can blink, he’s pulling her towards the dance floor and I’m pulled around a corner and pressed up against a wall. I’ve barely said hi before James’ lips are on mine, his tongue swirling around my mouth. His hands reach around grabbing my ass and squeezing and I groan into his mouth as I grind my sex against his thigh. “I couldn’t stay away,” he whispers against my mouth as he presses gentle kisses along my lips and jaw.