“Michael”: Why are you all the way over there?
I look down to see that he’s texted me and also not answered Monica.
“Whatever you want, Mon, you know I’m always down for a Christmas movie,” I respond before turning back to my phone.
Me: You know why.
“Michael”: I brought a blanket up here for a reason.
I peek up at him to see him smirking at his phone and I bite my lip at the implication of what he wants to do while we watch the movie.
Me: With Monica in the room? Too risky!
“Michael”: You’re no fun.
I resist the urge to glare at him knowing that Monica will notice and surmise that we’re texting each other. I see her putting on The Family Stone which is a movie Monica and I watch every year together even if we have to do it virtually.
“Really?” James says before turning to Monica.
She waves him off. “You know you secretly love this movie too.”
“That’s a no, and I’ve seen it too many times already because of you two.” He gets up and I frown.
“Come on, stay!” I say, knowing that if I asked him, he’d stay. It’s been a while since the three of us have been home and it would be fun to do something together. This is more than likely the last Christmas of normalcy, assuming that this time next year we would have already broken the news to our family about James and me.
“I’m just making us another drink.”
“Best big brother ever!” Monica downs the rest of her drink as the movie starts.
He’s back just in time for Sarah Jessica Parker’s character to meet the family and Monica shakes her head. “She’s seriously the fucking worst. Could you imagine if James brought home some girl like that?” She scrunches her nose and turns to look at him, eyeing him over the rim of her fresh glass. “We’d eat her alive.”
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that. I could never be with someone like that.” He doesn’t look at me and for that I’m grateful because I’m not sure of the conversation that could pass between our eyes on this topic.
“What’s going on in your romantic life, anyway, J? I feel like I haven’t heard about anyone recently.” She’s not looking at either of us as she turns down the volume a little but lets it continue.
He hesitates and still avoids my gaze and I’m not sure if I should chime in. “Nothing I want to share right now,” he says and I’ll admit I’m impressed with his response. His eyes finally find mine but they don’t give anything away.
“So, there is something to share? Come on, spill!” she squeals. “Is it serious? Gabrielle, is it serious? I know you know.”
“I’m not talking about it right now.” James’ voice is stern and even and I’m hoping Monica just drops it and doesn’t notice that I’m going to ignore her question.
“Okay seriously? Between the three of us, Mom and Dad are never getting grandkids and they’re going to kill us all. Can someone meet someone already?” She sinks further into the couch and sighs.
“Why don’t you meet someone?” James asks. “Aren’t you working at the hub for eligible bachelors? Or at very least ones that appear to be even though they have wives at home?”
She pushes her glasses up with her knuckle. “There’s no one. Literally not a one. It’s not as sexy as one may think,” she says. “But whatever, we aren’t talking about me, we’re talking about you. And you, Gab, it might be nice if you at least gave Brandon a chance. Would a date kill you?”
Yes, James and I both.
“Gabrielle is not interested in that guy; why do you and Mom keep pressing it?” James interjects and I try my best to will him to relax and not get worked up over Brandon and get Monica asking questions.
“Why are you so against it? What’s it to you anyway? I get you’re protective, but give it a rest. She’s eighteen and you’re worse than her actual Dad.” She scoffs before taking another sip. “Why don’t you like Brandon, anyway?”
Monica doesn’t seem to want to let this go, so I think it’s time to actually address it and stop blowing her off about it. “It’s not that I don’t like him. I don’t know him. But I also live in New York and he doesn’t and I’m not interested in a long distance anything. I’m busy and focused on school.”
“That’s fair, I guess. I still don’t see why you’re like avoiding him though. You guys could get coffee or dinner or something while you’re both home. Christmas is a magical time and you just never know.” She shrugs again.
“Are you thinking about what Monica said?” The words are out of James’ mouth before I can even start stripping. I close the door to his bedroom behind me quietly. He drops to the bed and lets his arms rest on his knees.