Page 29 of Always Been You

Yes, he mouths back.He runs his tongue over his teeth and takes a deep breath through his nose and out through his mouth before taking a few steps towards me. I back up on the bed, scooting my butt up towards the pillows and putting my hand out to stop him from advancing.

I shake my head, my eyes wide and unblinking as my heart pounds in my chest at the idea of anyone catching us in an intimate moment.

Not to mention my door is wide fucking open.

“James,” I whisper when he’s close enough to hear me. “Don’t. It’s too risky.”

“Don’t give a fuck.” His nostrils flare and his eyes narrow at me. His blue eyes heat my skin and when he runs his tongue over his lips, my clit flutters in response.


He grabs my face and rubs his nose over mine and then down the side of my face. “You interested in that nerd next door, Princess?”

I roll my eyes despite the ache growing aggressively between my legs as I realize why he’s suddenly feeling reckless enough to behave this way. “Jealous, much?”

Not pleased with my response, his hand squeezes my jaw. “It’s a question, don’t make me ask you again.”


“You sure? Have you ever been interested? I haven’t been around in a while, so I don’t know about the neighborhood boys that grew into men that may be interested in this,” he says as he grabs me between my legs. “Which belongs to me.”

I glance at the door and try to listen for my parents and Monica, and thankfully I can faintly hear the white noise of them talking.

“What would you say if I told you I was?” I raise an eyebrow at him. I know I’m going down a dark road, taunting him while there’s no hope for either of us releasing the tension I’m creating.

“I would remind you that he has no idea of what you like or how to please you. That only I know how to make your body come alive.” He lowers his face to mine. My breath quickens and I try my best to control it. A smug grin slowly creeps onto his face and I am annoyed at myself for being so easily affected.

“You’re going to get us caught,” I whisper as I hear Monica’s voice clearer than I did a few minutes ago.

He takes a step back and I hop off the bed just as Monica calls my name. I don’t even have a chance to respond before she’s skipping into my room. “Do you want to go downtown tonight? It’s stopped snowing and I think it’ll be fun. You have a fake, right?” She looks at James and scrunches her nose. “Sisters night. You’re not invited.”

“I have no interest in going with you two anywhere.” He rolls his eyes as he backs out of the doorway but not before shooting me a dark, almost sinister look.

James: You look fucking sexy as hell. I’m getting hard just looking at you.

I’m not sure what I was expecting when I saw the text message notification from James, but it certainly wasn’t that. I almost choke on my vodka soda when I see the words on my screen. He’s here?

Much to Monica’s confusion, James was willing to drive us downtown for the night, but what’s odd is we’re at a different bar than where he dropped us, so how does he know where we are? I haven’t talked to him since we got here because catching up with my older sister has actually been fun and Monica would be all over my shit if I was consistently texting. Thankfully, we ran into Monica’s friend and they’re catching up, allowing me a chance to check my phone and reply to his message without prying eyes.

Me: You’re here?

James: Yes.

Me: How did you know where we were?

James: Big brother’s intuition?

I fight the smile playing on my lips.

James: You forget we all share our location with each other?

I shake my head remembering that little fact and also that I may need to turn mine off so Monica and our parents don’t know quite how much time I’m spending with James once we go back to New York.

James: Get away from Mon.

Me: Are you insane? James, no. There could be anyone here that knows us. People from high school. Not just Monica.

James: I’m sorry where in my previous message did you see a question mark?