Page 9 of Always Been You

“Oh, we do!” Gabrielle comes skipping over towards me with two friends in tow and before I can even make a move, Gabrielle links her arm with mine.

“Maybe no whiskey for you since you’re drinking tequila?” I say having seen her just take a shot. “Mixing isn’t always the best idea for you, Gab.”

“Don’t be such a wet blanket, it’s her birthday!” one of her friends chirps. Probably the same friend that introduced her to weed for the first time. I was pissed over that. Not that she did it, but that she did it for the first time when she snuck out to go to some random college party at UConn. She called me high as fuck at four in the morning practically hysterical because there weren’t any Doritos in the house.

“Gabrielle.” I lower my sunglasses to look at her and instantly regret it because when our eyes lock for a moment it feels as if time stops. My chest tightens, my heart pounds against my ribcage and my dick hardens in my shorts as she gives me a smile that makes her dimples show and bats her eyelashes at me. Her lashes tapping her smooth cheeks in rapid succession.

“James,” she says, “come on, J. Take a shot with me.” She juts out her bottom lip. I curl my hand around the bottle tighter as I try to ball my hand into a fist to prevent myself from rubbing my thumb along her pouty lip.

Luke has a round of shots poured before I can respond and Gabrielle reaches for one of them. I shoot her a look and she gives me an innocent smile before putting her hands under her chin. “It’s her birthday, she’ll be okay,” Luke interjects, and in that split second when I drag my eyes away from Gabrielle to reply to Luke, I sense movement in my periphery. When I turn back to look at Gabrielle, I see her head tipped back as she drains the contents of the shot glass. She freezes when she makes eye contact with me and smiles again as she slowly swallows the liquid.

“Don’t be mad,” she says as she wraps her arms around me. “I’ll be fine and if not, you’re here.”

About an hour later, I’m coming out of the bathroom below deck when I spy Gabrielle waiting. She’s staring down at her phone and swaying her hips to the music playing. “Having fun?” I ask her.

Her eyes dart up immediately and she squeals before she’s in my arms again which tested my resolve enough the first time. “The best! Thank you so much for doing this for me.” I can hear the excitement in her voice more than likely brought on by too much alcohol and I can’t help the smile that crosses my face. She’s so beautiful when she’s happy.

“Of course.” I’m trying to disassociate as she presses up against me because if I let myself focus too much in the now, I won’t be able to control how my body reacts to her. “I’d do anything for you.” Her head is resting against my chest and I resist the urge to lean down and inhale her deeply. I press a kiss to her forehead and I’m granted with a whiff of her. FUCK. She smells so fucking sweet.

She sighs in my arms. Like actually fucking sighs and the sound goes straight to my cock. “You’re the best, J.” She squeezes me before pulling out of my arms and skips into the bathroom and shuts the door.

I’m brought back into the now by the sounds of a horn blaring and I spy the middle finger in my rearview mirror. This wasn’t the first time that Gabrielle had me lost in thought. I’ve spent countless days and more than a few nights trying to understand my feelings for her. I’ve tried to convince myself that we’re just close like we’ve always been. That I’m just protective of her. But my subconscious knows it’s more. It feels the spike in my heart when she’s near. The spark in my dick when she’s near. The way I feel as if I can’t breathe when she’s around. The way her voice, her scent, her everything disarms me. The way that my protectiveness has slowly morphed into something else.

Something closer to possession.

The way she’s floated into my head while I’ve touched my cock and those have been the times that I’ve come the hardest. The shame that washed over me as I groaned her name out as I rubbed my hand up and down my cock. The orgasm that pulled me under just as the thought of emptying my dick down her throat crossed my thoughts. Picturing her bounce her ass on my dick until she comes all over it. I pull into my spot in the parking garage and my head drops into my hands as I wonder for the millionth time how the fuck I got here, lusting aggressively over my younger sister.

I contemplate sending her a text when I realize how late it is and she’s probably already in her exam. It’s better if I apologize for this morning in person anyway.

I make my way up the ten floors to my office and I’m not at all shocked to see my buddy Isaac shamelessly flirting with Brooke. He wasn’t into her at all, but he thought keeping her in his back pocket kept him in good with her father. His numbers from the year are shit so I suppose it’s a bit of insurance.

“Oh! Mr. Calloway!” Brooke’s blue eyes widen and she runs a hand through her blonde tresses before hopping up from her desk, while pulling down her much too short skirt before meeting me at the entrance to my office. “Here’s your coffee.”

“Great, thanks,” I say without another word. I go into my office and close the door behind me which one would think meant I didn’t want to be bothered, but Isaac comes strolling in right after me without even a knock on the closed door.

“Sup, Calloway. You catch the game last night?” He drops to the couch I have in the corner of my office and props his foot up on my coffee table like he owns it.

My mind goes back to the night before and I remember how good it felt when Gabrielle was laying in my lap.


I’m grateful I’m sitting behind my desk because I can already feel the blood rushing to my dick at the thoughts running through my mind.

“I missed it, had a ton of work to do.” I turn to my computer trying my best to be as dismissive as possible. I didn’t have time for Isaac’s incessant chatter while I was still on edge about Gabrielle.

“Not that it mattered, we choked in the fourth quarter,” he says. “Oh shit, so I forgot to tell you. You got plans for New Years? This girl I’m seeing is throwing this party at Central. Should be pretty good. Not too rowdy but should be a ton of chicks there,” he says with a smile and even though he’s seeing her, I’m sure he’ll still have his eyes open for other prospects. “Maybe you can meet someone.”

The idea of anything past casual sex is nowhere on my radar. I spend most of my waking hours, and quite a few where I’m not awake, thinking about Gabrielle. Between lusting after her and feeling guilty for lusting after her, she takes up a lot of my thoughts. Where would that leave another woman? I told myself that once this was out of my system I could focus on dating more actively again, but until then I just didn’t see the point. It was a waste of everyone’s time and more than likely I would wind up fucking up some poor girl who couldn’t figure me out.

I could barely figure me out.

“I’m too busy for all that right now,” I tell him. “I’m perfectly happy keeping things very casual.”

He shrugs and leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I’m all for that, but I mean even that gets old sometimes, right?” He puts his hand over his eyes. “You know what? Forget I said that. I just got off the phone with my mother who’s ready to have a coronary over the fact that I’m not bringing someone home for Christmas again. I swear my mother fucking acts like my biological clock is ticking.” I laugh because my mother is the same way. I’d had the same very lengthy conversation with her last week over how a nice young man like me hasn’t met someone.

“You know it’s all about grandkids.” I take a sip of the coffee in front of me and roll my eyes at the fact that there’s definitely no espresso in this like I asked. “Sucks that you’re an only child. At least I can share the weight of disappointment with Monica.”

He snaps his fingers. “That’s right, you’ve got two sisters.”

My stomach turns at the thought of Gabrielle having a baby because that means she fucked someone. Someone that isn’t me. My stomach turns again at the fact that I’m thinking about fucking her.

“Gabrielle is nowhere near ready for that. She’s only eighteen,” I correct him.

“Sounds like someone isn’t ready for their baby sister to grow up.” He laughs. “Anyway, when are you getting up out of here for the holiday? Today your last day?” he asks and I’m grateful for the change in subject.