Page 65 of Always Been You

It’s Sunday night and as much as I want to stay with James, I don’t have any of my things I need for school tomorrow and Harper is probably expecting me at some point. I did manage to do some homework today but we spent most of the day having a lazy day in bed, taking breaks to eat and watch movies between making love. He pulls up to my dorm and I look up at the building with a sad expression.

“Talk to Harper, baby. I hate seeing the face you make when I bring you home.”

“I just hate being away from you. I feel like we spend more time away from each other than we do together and we live six blocks from each other.” I let out a sigh. “Do you want to come in?”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?”

I look down at my lap and tuck a hair behind my ear nervously. “Probably not.”

“Gabrielle.” He grabs my chin so I look at him. “Do you want me to come up?”

“No, you’re right. I’m being ridiculous. Last night and this morning was just intense and I’m feeling clingy, I guess.” I hate this feeling but at this moment, I can’t imagine not being with him tonight.

He cups my face and rubs his nose against mine. “Do you want to have dinner with me tomorrow?”

“Are you asking me on a date, James Calloway?”

“I believe I am. Will you?”

“Of course. I have to do some homework, but maybe you can pick me up around seven?”

“Come over after class and do your homework at our apartment.” I swoon just like I always do when he calls it ours. “I won’t be home until around five or so, so I won’t be there bothering you.”

“Then why do you want me to come over?”

“Because I want to know you’re at home waiting for me.” He places a kiss on my lips and before long we’re making out. In front of my dorm. Which doesn’t register until I hear my name and knocking on the passenger side window glass.

“Gabrielle!?” The voice brings me back to reality. Fuck.We had gotten out of the club last night after being drunk and reckless as hell where all my friends were just to get caught now that I have a clear head? I curse myself at the recklessness. I pull away from James’ lips and look towards the source of the voice to see Harper staring at me, her eyes wide and unblinking.

“Fuck,” I whisper.

“Breathe,” he says quietly as I make my way out of the car. Harper darts her eyes in between James and me several times before she speaks. “I…I know I’m drunk because brunch turned into Sunday Funday but,” she looks away and then back at us again. She blinks her eyes several times as if she’s trying to convince herself that her alcohol influenced mind isn’t playing tricks on her. She takes a few steps towards us. “Oh my God. What the fuck?”

“Harper…” I feel the tears prickling in my eyes as I take in her disgusted expression.

“Harper,” James speaks up, “you probably have some questions so maybe you and Gabrielle should talk inside?”

“Talk about what?” She looks at me. “He’s the mystery guy? You’re messing around with…your brother?” I’m grateful she isn’t hysterically screaming and isn’t drawing any attention to us yet. I swallow, not knowing what to say. “Gabrielle, this is,” she lets out a deep breath, “are you fucking insane?”

“Watch it, Harper,” James barks at her, and as grateful as I am that he’s always in my corner, I put a hand up.

“Harp, please, can we go inside?”

She looks at me and nods before she turns around and starts heading inside without waiting for me.

I rub my hand over my forehead willing the headache that is starting to form away. “Well, I might be coming over tonight after all.”

“Do you want me to stay? Or come in with you?” His eyes look up at my dorm.

“No. She’s my best friend here, I should be able to handle it. At least this first conversation.”

“Call me after and let me know how it goes.” He presses a kiss to my lips and as much as I want to deepen it, I’m not sure who else of my friends might be lingering if Harper just showed up.

“I love you.”

“I love you more.” He tells me with a wink before he nods towards the building. Both of us know he won’t leave until I’m safely inside.

When I get inside, Harper is sitting on the bed already dressed in her pajamas. Her blonde curly hair is pulled into a top knot and she’s already removed all of her makeup. “How did this happen? When? Have you been doing this since you moved here?” She hops up and begins firing off her questions in rapid succession.