Page 59 of Always Been You

“It’s okay,” I whisper because despite my annoyance I am happy to see him. “Except my friends are lowkey obsessed with you and I can’t do anything about it.” My lips form a frown and I look up at him. “I know you like to be nice but don’t…entertain my friends.”

He trails a finger down my face. “Baby, when have I ever?”

“When you’re being polite.” I push him back so that we’re not pressed against each other when Aubrey and Luna return with the drinks.

“You’re cute when you’re jealous.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “You want to play this game, here? Because according to Luna, I’ve attracted quite a bit of attention in this dress specifically my ass in this dress and you can’t claim me here either.”

He raises an eyebrow at me but I see the glint of annoyance pass over his face. “Is that so? Speaking of which, why does Harper think you’re seeing someone? I assume that means you haven’t told her.” His hand reaches up and drags down my face before rubbing my chin with his thumb.

“Not exactly…and I may have checked my phone a few times looking for a text from you.” My cheeks heat slightly at my comment.

He brushes my hair behind my shoulder and drags his knuckles up my neck and cheek. “I didn’t want to keep texting you. I was trying to give you some space tonight.”

“Yes, I see that.” I raise an eyebrow at the fact that he’s currently standing in front of me.

“You want to dance?” He nods over his shoulder.

“At a bar where all my friends are?”

“There’s another bar upstairs; come on. Isaac will keep Harper busy.”

I furrow my brows before cocking my head to the side. “Does Isaac know?”

He nods and pulls my drink from my hand and downs the rest of it in one gulp. “I told him.”

My eyes widen to the size of saucers and I lean forward. “You did!? What did he say? What does he think?”

“He was both a little drunk and potentially high on coke, so he had some questions but I think he’s reserving judgement until he’s sober.”

Anxiety washes over me as I remember that he’s currently with my roommate on the dancefloor. “Do you think he’ll tell Harper?”

He shakes his head. “I told him not to say anything to anyone right now.”

“Do you trust him?”

“Yes, baby. He’s not going to tell Harper.” He grabs my hand and pulls me away from the dark corner and away from my friends. I chance a glance behind me and don’t see Luna or Aubrey making me wonder if they got preoccupied somehow. We make our way down a long corridor his hand squeezing mine with every step as we head up a long narrow staircase. “So, guys haven’t been able to keep their eyes to themselves, you say?” he asks as we make it to the second floor. It’s similar to the first floor only they’re playing different music and it’s a little brighter. We go to the bar first, and he stands behind me pressing his dick into my back and boxing me in. He pushes my hair to one side and presses kisses down the side of my neck. “I can’t say I blame them; I can’t keep my eyes off of you when we’re in the same room either.” He nuzzles the side of my face before spinning me around to look at him. His eyes are soft and sincere and I melt under his tender gaze. “You’re stunning.”

“For the record, I only want you looking at me,” I tell him honestly.

“I know.” He smiles and I turn back around just as the bartender makes his way over. We order two shots of tequila that we take followed by two mixed drinks before making our way to the dance floor.

“So, I was thinking about next weekend,” he starts. We aren’t really dancing together at this point, just swaying to the beat of the music.

“What about it?”

“Well, it’s Valentine’s Day.”

“Oh!” The air leaves my lungs thinking about spending the most romantic holiday with James. Shit, should I get him something? I should, it’s our first holiday as a couple. “What do you want to do?”

“I made us reservations at a resort upstate. I was thinking champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, and a lot of time with my tongue in your cunt.”

My mouth drops open at his sexy words before a giggle leaves my lips. “Really now?”

“The resort has a spa also, so we can get couples massages if you want? But I just want to fall off the face of the Earth with you for two days. You and me.” He tucks a hair behind my ear and runs his knuckles down my cheek.

“You and me,” I repeat. “I love that.”