Page 66 of Love Unexpected


“Stop what?”

“You mean a million times more to me than he ever could. Even if you weren’t…” I start. “Weren’t my…” I’m not really sure what word to use here.Boyfriend? Lover?

“Man?” he smirks.

I smile back and press my lips to his, sliding my tongue between his lips once.

“Do you want me to come with you?” he asks as he strokes my cheek and tucks a hair behind my ear.

I raise an eyebrow at him and he raises his arms in surrender. “Okay, okay. I won’t, but you’ll let me know you made it safely? And when you leave? I will track you down if you don’t check in.”

“Dominic…” For the moment, I ignore the flutter in my chest over his protectiveness because I really want him to trust my judgment.

“What, Stassi? Maybe eventually I’ll come around to him. But right now, I don’t trust him.”

“I’m not saying I totally do either. But he’s been asking to meet up and I’ve been blowing him off for months. I don’t want to be in this weird in between with my birth father. I need to know if I can see myself having a relationship with him and I can’t know that unless I have a conversation with him,at leastonce.” He doesn’t say anything, he just pouts. Yes pouts, and it’s actually the cutest thing. “If you care about me as much as you say you do, you’ll support my need to do this. To know this part of me that I’ve never known before.”

He looks at me and shakes his head. “That’s not fair to say that. You know I care.”

“I know you do too, which is why you’re going to relax and let me navigate this. I’ll ask for your advice and I’ll always respect your thoughts but you need to understand mine.”

“So wise for such a young girl.” He taps my nose and I rub it against his.

“A pretty wise man taught me a lot when I was growing up. I’ll have to tell you about him sometime.”I wink before hopping off his lap.

Micah is already sitting at a table inside the small coffee shop when I get there. He nods when he sees me, and I’m disappointed that he doesn’t even get up or attempt to offer to buy my coffee.Wouldn’t a five dollar drink be the least he could do?But to be honest, I’m glad to have a moment of peace before I sit down. I grab my latte and cross the room to sit across from him. I instantly wonder what is causing this scowl on his face. “Stassia.” He nods.

He’s dressed in a suit without a tie and his brown hair is slicked back.

“Micah.” I nod back.

“You look very nice. That color suits you,” he tells me and I look down at the yellow long dress I’m wearing that flows with me when I walk, giving the illusion that I’m gliding.

“Thank you.” I smile and take a small sip of my drink.

“So, I’m going to cut to the chase. I…I’m not sure what exactly your plans are for college, but I’d like to help in any way I can.”

I look to the side and then back to him. “What?”

“Like tuition, your housing. What can I do? Are you living on campus because I was thinking if you want, I could get you an apartment?”Wait what?“I own a lot of complexes in the city and one just opened by your school. One bedroom or two bedrooms if you’d like a roommate. You wouldn’t have to pay for anything at all.”

Wow. This is a lot.I did take out one small loan, mostly because neither my mom or Dominic wanted me to have a job while I’m in school and in case I need extra money, but they have most of the big stuff covered.

“That’s really nice of you, Micah, but…I’m fine with staying on campus. I already have a roommate and she’s super nice.” A flare of discomfort sneaks up my spine and I find myself sitting up straighter.Is he trying to buy my love or something?

“She can stay with you. I’m sure her parents will be thrilled to not have to pay,” he says and now the red flags start flying up everywhere.

“Micah, that’s insane. You don’t even know her. Hell, I don’t even know her that well.”

“We’d draw up a contract if that makes her and her parents more comfortable. So, they know I wouldn’t just arbitrarily change the terms and kick their daughter out.”

“Okay…” I trail off.

“And you wouldn’t have to leave, ever, like you would if you lived in the dorms. You could stay there for summers and holidays, and it gives you some freedom and privacy.”

My God, could he be any more obvious? Again, is this about Dominic?“Oh…I mean Dominic doesn’t really bother me. I don’t mind staying with him.”