Page 54 of Love Unexpected

“I just…” He stops and looks towards the entrance of the kitchen before looking back at me and shakes his head. “I want to be able to touch you whenever the fuck I want.” He lets me down and takes a step back.

I’m still trying to catch my breath when I hear footsteps on the stairs. I make a move towards the refrigerator so it appears I have a reason for being in the kitchen other than talking to Dominic and grab a bottle of water just as Seth makes his appearance. He’s pulling a t-shirt over his torso and I briefly catch a glimpse of his abs as he covers himself. I don’t think much of it, but Dominic, on the other hand, looks far from pleased. Seth’s hair is wet, and he sends a hand through it just as he drops to a chair at the table.

“I’m starving, what are we doing about dinner?”

“What if we went out?” I say, trying to diffuse the mounting tension in the room that Dominic is causing and Seth seems completely oblivious to.

“I’m down, what’s there to do in this town on a Friday night anyway? Dominic, you going to show me a night out?” He looks at me and smiles. “Sorry, Stass, I wish you were twenty-one. I’m sure you’re more fun than the grump over here.” He points at Dominic and I giggle. “You got a fake yet?”

“Maybe.” I shoot him a grin and take a sip from the water bottle.

“That you are not using tonight,” Dominic interjects.

“Hold up,Mr. Uptightknows you have a fake ID?” His eyes widen as he shoots a look of shock towards his brother and then back to me.

“He knows I don’t drink. I got it so I could get a tattoo,” I explain with a shrug. I can feel Dominic’s eyes boring into the side of my face and I wonder if he thinks I’m going to reveal that I have a nipple ring too.Silly, jealous man.

“Well, if we’re going to go out for dinner, I should get ready.” My eyes ping pong back and forth between them before making a swift exit to escape the iciness that had spread across the room. I’ve barely made it two steps when I see his text.

Dominic: Do not touch yourself.

It took an hour of back and forth between Stassia and Seth for us to decide on the restaurant I had suggested first. It’s in D.C., which is a bit of a hike, but it’s worth it for some of the best Italian in the tri-state area. Also, I’m hoping that the D.C. nightlife might entice Seth into staying out to check out the crop and allow Stassia and me to leave because, of course, she wouldn’t be able to get in anywhere after a certain time and I would never let her worry about getting herself home late at night all by herself.

It was the perfect plan. Now I just hope my baby brother doesn’t fuck it up.

We are seated pretty quickly, thankfully and I’m pleased that it’s cooled down enough for us to sit outside. Stassia is wearing these high waisted black pants that tie around her waist with a black and white striped strapless shirt that shows way too much fucking skin for my liking. It’s taking everything in me to keep my eyes off of her while I have very inquisitive eyes on me, but it’s like she’s tempting me on purpose. I also haven’t missed the way Seth’s eyes raked over her in appreciation when she came down the stairs, and if he hadn’t averted his eyes as quickly as he did, I might have made them both fucking black.

Seth insisted on ordering us a bottle of wine and two shots of tequila to start, and I’m more than a little irritated that it seems like he’s trying to get hammered while we’re out with Stassi.But there’s a plan and his alcohol consumption will help it move along a little faster.

“Stassi, are you ready for school next year?” Seth asks as he takes a sip of the Malbec he’d ordered.

“Yeah, I think.” She nods, before setting down her menu. I’m not sure why she’s even looking at it, she gets the same thing every time we come here—or go to any Italian restaurant for that matter—meat lasagna and then at least three bites of whatever it is I order. “I’m glad I decided not to go too far after all. So, I can look after this one here.” She points at me and smiles and I try not to hold too much stock in her words. I know as soon as she’s in college, I’ll become just a part of her past. The summer fling someone has before their life changes forever. I’m excited for her, of course, but I do feel a slight pang in my chest when I think about not seeing her every day.

Not seeing her every day or not fucking her every day?

I’m not sure of the answer to that question and now isn’t the time for that inner monologue especially when I spot Stassia pulling her hair over one shoulder and exposing her neck to me. She’s still glowing from the beach. Her brown skin is sun kissed and bronzed and making me want to lick the sunrays from it just as I’d done for three days.


I take a sip of my wine to try and snap myself out of the sinful path of my thoughts.

“You’re going to have so much fun, Stassi; college is the best.”

“It’s not all fun though. She needs to be studying,” I speak up, shooting her a look and then Seth.

“Lighten up, Dad. She’s got a good head on her shoulders, she’ll do great.” Seth chastises me. He leans back in his chair and flashes Stassi a grin. I know without a doubt he’d never touch her, but I can’t help but feel like he’s being just a bit more playful than usual. I almost saw red when he came downstairs damn near shirtless. I don’t know that Stassi has any complaints about my body, but compared to a swimmer’s body, I can’t help but feel a little jealous that maybe she admired his physique.

“Yeah,Dad.” Stassi giggles. “Relax.” I can hear the meaning behind her words.Can you stop being so tense?I’m not sure that’s exactly what she means, but the brush against my leg under the table and the light stroke down my calf has me thinking that it’s the point she’s trying to make.

After we’ve ordered, Stassi gets up to go to the bathroom, and as soon as she’s no longer in earshot, Seth’s gaze shifts to me. “D,” he leans forward, “what the hell is up with you, man?”


“Don’t ‘what’ me. You’ve been a complete dick all night. Well, really since I got here. What gives? I came here to see you and try and spend time with you and just be there for you after your terrible start to this year. This isn’t like you. Sure, you’re kind of moody and quiet sometimes, but you can usually open up with me. Is something going on?” He actually looks hurt, which makes me feel guilty that my brother is only trying to help and I’m taking out my sexual frustration on not being able to fuck Stassi on him.

Though he does keep low key eye fucking her andthatis pissing me off.

I lean back and run a hand down my jaw and scratch at the stubble that’s a little more overgrown than I usually have it. “No, just…tired, I guess.”