Page 51 of Love Unexpected

“That’s oddly specific.” I can’t stop the smile from finding my face and he chuckles.

“I rationalized that it wasn’t about you but that it interested me. The woman was beautiful and the guy wasn’t grossly old. They had a few scenes.” He shrugs. “I know it’s still fucked up. I’m not delusional.”

“Was she prettier than me?”

He shoots me a look. “Now who’s jealous?” I glare at him. “No, Stassi, she had nothing on you. And she didn’t wax. Which kind of took away from the appeal.” He scrunches his nose slightly.

“You like that I’m bare?”

“Fuck yes. It’s so sexy. But then again, I probably wouldn’t care if you had hair either. I find everything about you sexy as hell. Even your smartass mouth.”

Confidence surges through me. I stand up to make my way towards him and stand next to him at the counter. “My smartass mouth can do a lot of things you know.”

“Oh, I remember.”

“Your mouth isn’t so bad either.”

He lets out a sigh and takes another sip of his drink. “Fuck.”

“I know.” I grab the glass from him and take a sip of the harsh whiskey. “So, you watched that couple a lot?”

“More than I care to admit.”

“And you never once thought about me?”

“It was hard as fuck. But no. Maybe once or twice you floated across my brain but I did everything I could to force you out. I was trying to exorcise you from me in any way I could.”

“Did you tell my mom?”

He shoots me an incredulous look. “Good joke.”

“I meant about the porn, not necessarily my connection to it.”

“No. I mean she knew I watched it from time to time but it was never really a big thing for me in general. I’ve always preferred the real thing and I’ve had partners for most of my adult life. Why watch porn when I have access to a naked willing woman that wanted me? Porn is for lonely single guys. Or lonely married guys. Either way, it’s for a lonely man. Someone who is missing something from their sex life. The other side of that is couples that watch porn together. But that wasn’t your mom’s cup of tea.”

It feels weird learning such intimate details about my mother.Don’t focus on it.

“Did you with Tessa?” I feel like I’m fighting for information at this point. I’m not sure if it’s fueled by plain curiosity or because I want to know what is left that I can claim as Dominic’s first, if anything. But I want to know everything about what came before that sex filled weekend with me. Maybe I’m not entitled to the information, but it won’t stop me from asking for it.

“Yes, but I already told you my marriage to Tessa was much wilder and crazier. We were young and were stumbling our way through life making all kinds of mistakes.” He leans against the counter and I watch in fascination as his arms flex beneath the t-shirt. “Have I answered enough of your questions?”

“Does it mean this conversation is over if I say yes?”

“No. You can ask me whatever you want, Stassi. I’m officially an open book at this point.”

“Okay…well, I think I kind of know the answer to this question, but in the off chance I’m wrong, I’ll ask you.”

“Go for it.”

“I want to break the rule we made in Charleston. I want to have sex again and a part of me thinks you do too.” He doesn’t say anything he just stares down into his drink. “So, what’s it going to be?”

I’m holding my breath as I anxiously await his response. The worst he can say is no. That we have to stick to the original plan. He still hasn’t answered me when he leans back against the counter and lets his eyes move lasciviously over me. “I told myself I couldn’t give in,” he whispers, and I’m not sure if it’s more to himself or me, but I take a step closer so that I’m standing between his legs.

“What are you telling yourself now?”

He lowers his head and pushes me against the counter, boxing me in with a hand on either side. “That I can’t give in,” he tells me but there’s something about his tone that leads me to believe that there’s ahoweveror some other qualifier attached. He grabs my chin and tilts it upwards, rubbing small circles across my lips with his thumb. “Why do you have to be so fucking tempting?” He leans down and lets his lips hover over mine. I’m about to reach up to touch my lips to his when he grips my forearms, keeping me rooted in place. “Stassia…”

“Yes?” I blink my eyes a few times in rapid succession, as I try my best to appear as innocent as possible.