Page 13 of Love Unexpected

“I guess…he just thought different. You wear his jersey on game days and sit in his lap whenever you guys are in the same room. I know you guys hook up sometimes. That’s like the universal code of being together in high school, isn’t it?”

“Brax…things…changed, I guess. Call it a change in perspective that comes with losing a parent. I just wantmore.”

“That’s fair, I guess. I just wish you appreciated what a good guy Carter is and whatever happened that’s making you leave twenty minutes after you got here, I hope you know how much he cares about you.”

The sound of the door opening and someone calling Brax for beer pong interrupts his guilt trip. He nudges my shoulder. “Catch you later, Vale. Text Kate when you get home, I guess.”

I shake my head trying to ignore the thought that I’ll probably be one of the least liked girls at Lakewood after word gets around that I’djerkedCarter around or however he and his boys will see it.Fuck it.

Thank God high school is over

I pull out my phone and just as I’m about to pull up Dominic’s contact, a thought floats through my head. Before I can tell myself I’m not ready to open that door, I press the contact I saved in my phone a few days ago.

I hold my breath as the phone rings and just as I’m about to hang up, he answers and all of the air leaves my lungs.

“Hey, Micah.”

“Stassi? Wow, I’m surprised to hear from you, especially at ten o’clock at night.” I detect a touch of irritation underneath his shock, but I ignore the feeling that I’m bothering him because he’s been waiting for me to call.Supposedly.

I momentarily forgot how late it isandhow high I am, not that I think he’ll be able to tell. “Yeah, uhhh I’m at a friend’s house and…”

“Good for you, Stassi. That’s great to hear. Getting out will do you some good,” he interrupts.

“Right. Well, I just wanted to see if you wanted to come to my graduation next Saturday.”

The silence on the other end is deafening.Did I misread the situation? I thought he wanted a relationship?“Or not, if you’re busy…”

“No no no! I mean, I’ll need to move some things around, but I should be able to make it.”

Busy guy.“Ummm okay, I can text you the details.” I bite my bottom lip already willing this conversation to be over and wishing I’d just called Dominic instead.I should have just left it alone.

“That sounds great. Send it over, but, Stassi, I do have to go. I was in the middle of a meeting with the west coast when you called.”So, I am bothering him. Figures.

“Oh okay.” The thought isn’t lost on me that he hasn’t asked me how I’m holding up or even how I am for that matter.

“It’s not a problem. I’m glad you called Stassi. Now go have fun with your friends. You’re young and you only live once.” His words sting more than anything I’ve heard tonight. This cavalier attitude towards me when I’m still grieving the loss of my mother makes my heart squeeze in my chest.

“Bye, Micah,” I mumble into the phone before hitting the end button and before he can respond. I’ve had three interactions with the opposite sex tonight and all made me want to scream.I can only hope this fourth one won’t do the same, I think as I press the familiar contact.

He answers on the first ring. “Stass? You okay? You’ve only been there like an hour.” The concern in his voice warms me all over and I genuinely smile for the first time since I got to Carter’s house. I don’t realize I haven’t said anything when he speaks again. “What’s wrong, baby? Talk to me.”

Baby? That’s…new.

“Will you just…come get me?”

“I’m on my way.”

“You haven’t said anything since you got in the car; what’s going on Stassi? Did someone mess with you at that party? Whose ass do I have to kick?” My head snaps towards him in shock, as I’ve never known him to inflict violence on anyone, let alone at a party with a bunch of his former students. He’s smiling when I meet his gaze and I realize he’s just trying to lighten the mood.

I let out a deep sigh and rest my head against the headrest as I prepare to give him a very watered down version of what happened. My guess is he may actually try to kick Carter’s ass if he knew what really happened.Or call his parents.

“I didn’t want to go in the first place. Kate thought it would be good for me, but I wasn’t into it.”

He nods as he pulls onto the freeway back towards our house. The night is dark, without a star in the sky and I can’t wait to get home and crash. “But you’re okay? No one messed with you?”

“No,” I tell him, without missing a beat.

“I don’t think you’re being honest with me, but you’ll let me know if you can’t handle it?”