I knew you couldn’t stay away.

I swallow past the lump forming in my throat as I set the glass down, not wanting to drain the entire thing in one gulp.

“Are you nervous for Monday?”Ah fuck it.I pick up the glass and down it before sitting it back down. “I guess that’s a yes.” She reaches across the table and grabs my hand. “Don’t be nervous, I’ll be right there with you the whole time.”

I nod, knowing that it was never an argument I could have won. When I planned the meeting, I started to tell her that she didn’t need to be there. The words weren’t even out of my mouth before she was shooting me a glare and telling me to “not fucking go there.”

“I know, it’s just a big risk.”

“But you’ll feel much better afterwards, getting it out in the open. Secrets always find a way of coming out. And like you said, you want to be able to live with yourself.”

I repeat her words in my head.Secrets always find a way of coming out.


I have a secret.

I let out a breath and sit back against my chair, my eyes raking over the vision in front of me and trying to forget the fact that there’s something I need to tell her.

Not tonight.

Do it tomorrow. Just enjoy tonight.

“When did you want to get married?” I ask changing the subject.

Her eyes light up so bright, it almost stops my heart. “When you’re ready.”


“Yes,” she tells me without hesitation. “I love you and I want to be with you…forever.”

You better not marry this woman without being honest with her about everything. Would she be this willing to dive into marriage with you when she learns that she’s not your first love like she believes?

That title belongs to alcohol. And she is a jealous fucking bitch.

“Sometime early next year?”

“I don’t need a big wedding. I’ve done that and…I just need you and Lauren and my mom and whoever else you want.”

“I don’t want anything big.”

“I’m sure your mother will want to invite everyone in Atlanta.” She rolls her eyes in a circle as she takes another sip and the itch in my fingers to pour myself another glass overtakes me. “Do you want more?” Charlotte asks as she points at my empty glass. She lifts the bottle to pour it for me as I nod.

Then no more.

Two hours and two bottles of champagne later, Charlotte and I have switched to harder drinks and I’ve moved my chair to allow myself to touch every inch of her skin. We are tucked into a corner of the restaurant where there aren’t as many eyes witnessing our slightly drunken public displays of affection.

“You mean the world to me, Charlotte. You know that?” I mindlessly play with her hair as her hand strokes my thigh, her hand moving up higher each time. I strain against my pants, my cock rising to the fact that her hand is wandering dangerously close to it.

“Of course. You tell me all the time!” She giggles, her voice a little louder than usual and I wonder if the whiskey in her Manhattan is getting to her.

“Because it’s the truth.”

“Do you know that you mean the world tome? I didn’t even know it was possible to love someone this much. I read all those romance novels where women were like bursting with love for a guy, and I always wondered what that was like?But I am just consumed by you. Is that unhealthy? That’s unhealthy, right? What is your official Doctor opinion?” she rambles and I chuckle at her ability to go off on tangents so easily.God, I love her.

“I think…” I start. “That our love has been extremely healthy for both of us. We needed this. We deserve this after trusting our hearts with people that didn’t deserve it.Wedeserve to be happy.”

“See and that, you always know just what to say.” She sighs and puts her hand under her head and stares up at me dreamily. “You’re perfect.”