She eyes me as if she doesn’t totally believe my words before she nods once. She’s silent for a moment before she shoots me a devilish grin and locks her ankles tighter behind me. “Do you want to shower with me? Maybe an orgasm will help take the edge off.” I feel my dick respond to her words, answering for me as I walk us into the bathroom.

After our shower, that served to sate us both, I realize I left my phone in the kitchen. I step out of my bedroom and I’m immediately hit with a familiar scent that is almost overpowering the smell of the lasagna.Chanel No. 5.

Fuck. What are they doing here?

I pull the door to my bedroom shut behind me and jog down the stairs, my heart racing as I think about the fact that my family just showed up—two hours early. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Well, hello to you too, son,” my father says. His laptop rests in his lap, with his feet propped up on my custom made coffee table, and I resist the urge to knock them down. “I do believe you summoned us here to help fix this mess you’re in.”

“Yeah, two hours from now. I do believe we agreed for you to arrive around seven. What happened to calling, if you’re going to be early? Or I don’t know, knocking?” I cross my arms, irritated with their intrusion.

“We did knock, dear,” my mother interjects as she brings a cup of tea to her lips.If she’s had time to prepare tea that means they’ve been here at least fifteen minutes.I sigh, knowing they probably know what Charley and I were just doing, especially since the last orgasm I gave Charley had her screaming. “When you didn’t answer after some time, we used our key.”

Note to self: Take their keys.

“It sounded like you were busy,” she continues, her teacup still raised, as she narrows her gaze at me over the rim. “I made myself some tea, I hope that’s okay.” Her lips form a straight line as she gives me a look, letting me know she knew just what was keeping mebusy.It’s one of those rare times I’ve seen my mother with her hair down, both sides are tucked behind her ear and curled almost perfectly. She looks exhausted, as if she hasn’t been sleeping, and I begin to ask if she’s getting enough rest in an attempt to deflect.

“Honey, did you check on the—” Charley’s voice floods the room and I kick myself for not telling her they were here the second I smelled my mother’s perfume. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see she’s completely dressed, although her hair is still wet and she’s pulled it into a bun high on her head. Her face is completely void of makeup and, despite my parents’ presence, I want to take her back into my room and make love to her for the rest of the day. I reach for her hand and rub my thumb over the back of it trying to calm her racing thoughts—and heart.

“My parents decided to come early,” I say, so she knows that this is just as much of a surprise to me.

She swallows and gives me a look, showing the worry all over her beautiful features. “That’s not a problem, is it?” my mother asks, and I shoot her a look.

Charley immediately changes her expression and gives my mother a smile. “Of course not, dinner is just not quite ready.” She moves towards my mother and holds her hand out towards her. “I’m Charlotte, it’s very nice to meet you.” I can sense her warm smile although I’m standing behind her, and I watch as my mother stares at her hand for a beat longer than is appropriate before reluctantly setting her tea down.Where are those manners you instilled, Mother?

I expect her usual curt greeting. I can already hear “The pleasure is all mine, darling.”Cue air kiss.But what I did not expect was for her eyes to narrow slightly as she stands to her feet, dusting the imaginary dust from her lap and staring Charlotte square in the eye. I can see a slight tremor move through Charley as if she’s bracing for impact. “So, you’re the woman who has my son beside himself and risking his entire practice.”

“Mother,” I grit out, as I move to stand next to Charlotte, pulling her back slightly.

“I—I…” Charlotte stammers.

My mother raises her hands in exasperation. “You have nothing to say? Can you imagine how this will make you look if this gets out, Will? Honestly, dear, it’ll completely tarnish your good name.”

“That I fell in love?” I ask her.

“That you slept with yourmarriedpatient!” I hear a sniffle and I can sense that Charley is seconds from losing it. “Oh, for Heaven’s sake, now isnotthe time to cry. What are you going to do if my son loses his career over you?”

I go to interject when Charlotte’s confident voice rings through the air. “I think about it every day. How I would be able to look at myself in the mirror knowing I cost the man I love…everything. How he would view me and us—how our relationship would change. If we could even have one at all. I wonder if he would eventually resent me.”

Never, baby.I don’t interrupt, I just slide my hand into hers and squeeze, praying that the gesture will translate. She looks at me and if I ever needed any confirmation that she and I were on the same wavelength, she nods her head.

“Frankly, Mrs. Montgomery, I don’t know what I would do. Love him? Try and be there for him as best I can? Try to live with myself. I’m not going to walk away from him, if that’s what you’re asking. I love him. More than anything. I know you don’t believe that. Maybe you never will. But I just hope you’ll give me a chance to show you that I’m not a bad person. I’m not a—”

“Liar? Cheater? Manipulator?” my mother interrupts and I feel the fury flash across my face. “I hate to break it to you, honey, but you are those things,” she snaps.

“That isenough,” I snarl. “Baby, can you go check on the food?” I wanting her away from my mother as soon as possible. I chance a glance at J.R. who’s still seated, mindlessly going through his phone as if he’s oblivious to the scene unfolding in front of him.

“Yes, I…see you’re preparing lasagna,” she grits her teeth. “I haven’t had carbs in years.” She sticks her nose in the air and shudders as if the thought abhors her.

Charlotte’s back straightens slightly and I can see a small glimpse of the confident Charley shining through. “I’ve done bad things, it doesn’t make me a bad person. I’m just asking for a chance to—” She ignores the petty comment about her choice of meal preparation.Good girl, don’t feed into that bullshit.

“What? Break my son’s heart? Ruin his life? Take half his money? J.R. told me you’re coming out of your previous marriage with some pretty significant wealth.”

“Frankly, that’s not any of your business.” Her voice is even, not combative or angry. “Will is not my ex-husband and you don’t know anything about my prior marriage.”

“Marriage is hard work. You don’t get to throw a temper tantrum and end your marriage just because you aren’t getting enough attention. Get a hobby, dear. Once upon a time you would have thrived in the junior league.” She crosses her arms and backs away slightly, moving toward the bar cart in the corner of my room. “Of course, not now. No, now, yourlifestyle choiceswould make it very difficult for you to be accepted.”

“I’m not interested,” Charley says immediately.