“Yes, that’s the biggest reason I’m taking the job. Besides the money of course. But Emma is three now and I want to see her grow up. Face Timing is getting hard.”

“You could just have a baby of your own,” I tease, and I can’t even stop the stars from forming in my eyes as I picture Lauren’s child. Gorgeous amber colored irises and tanned skin. Lauren’s babies would hit the genetic lottery.

She scoffs. “With who? Drew? Although that would be cute. Our kids would be cousins!” She giggles. “But in all seriousness, Drew and I are just having fun.”

“I don’t know. I see the way he looks at you.”

“Like I have magic in my vagina and he’s trying to see my next trick.”

I ignore her joke. “I see the way you look at him.”

She purses her lips, the joke failing her. “He’s sweet. And he’s fun. And…it doesn’t matter Char, I’m moving. And Drew is barely the monogamous type when the girl is in the same state!”

I huff and my brows thread together. “Is he fucking other girls?”

“No…I don’t think so. Calm down. I’m just saying—Drew Montgomery has a lot of fun.”

“Well, maybe you’re the kind of girl to get him to settle down?”

“Sure, Char. He can come live with me in the Windy City. Me, him, Emma, and her parents: one big happy family.”

“Never know.” I shrug. “Have you told him?”

“We were supposed to get drinks tonight but something came up. He said something about dinner with his parents.”

Without Will?I hadn’t heard anything about a family gathering; it made me wonder if the three of them were having dinner alone. Will’s words regarding his upbringing and his relationships with everyone in his immediate family come to mind making my heart sink slightly.

“Well, when do you move?” I ask her, not wanting to disclose private information about Will and his family.

“End of the month. It’s bittersweet, but I think I’m ready for the change.”

Me: Lauren just told me she’s moving :(

The frown is still on my face long after lunch with Lauren as I drop my keys on the counter of Will’s townhouse. I don’t have to wait long for a response, making me glad I know his schedule as well as I do.

Will: I’m sorry, baby. Why?

Me: Work. and wants to be closer to family.

Will: Well that’s good for her. I’m sure she’ll miss you though. Where is she moving?

Me: Chicago. We will go visit?

Will: Absolutely. How is your day?

Me: Besides that bomb? Not bad.

I neglect to tell him what Lo had said about Drew having dinner with their parents.

Will: Well unfortunately it’s about to get worse.

I sit up straight on his couch, my body on high alert, waiting for his follow up when I see the familiar three dots indicating that he’s typing.

Will: My parents are coming over.

Me: PARENTS? As in PLURAL? As in J.R. who’s not my biggest fan AND your mother who is even less of a fan?

He doesn’t answer my text, and I begin texting furiously as jump from the couch and break into a run towards the kitchen, realizing dinner is going to behere.