He pulls back, raking his eyes over me from head to toe. “You’ve gotten some sun. You’re glowing,” he says appreciatively. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to being with a man that always has something positive or complimentary to say about me.

“Thank you,” I say unable to find any other words as I’m still somewhat shocked that he’s standing before me.

“I have a suite upstairs,” he says. “The honeymoon suite was already booked but this one will suffice.”

“I’d be happy with you anywhere so long as there’s a bed,” I say wrapping my arms around his neck. Much like normal, I don’t notice anything else the second I laid eyes on Will, so when Andrew appears I’m shocked. “Oh my God! Hi! Sorry,” I say hugging him, and he chuckles.

“Good to see you, Charley. I’m not here to crash your trip. Will thought I could keep your friend company.”

“Did he now?” I hear behind me and I have a feeling this isn’t going to end well. “So, what he crashes our girls’ trip and I’m just supposed to spend the rest of it hanging out with some guy I’ve never met while you two defile a suite upstairs?” She looks at me. “Did you know he was coming? Was I just some substitute until he got here?”

I wince at her words, feeling terrible that she’s come to this conclusion. “No, of course not. I wanted you here. Iwantyou here”

“I didn’t tell her I was coming, Lauren. She didn’t know. And I didn’t mean to interrupt—”

“That’s why you sent the drink over? Because you didn’t want to interrupt?” She crosses her arms, and years of experience as her best friend tells me she’s pissed.

“Hey, lay off. He missed his woman and the way she basically climbed him and all but tried to mount him here in the restaurant, it’s obvious that she missed him too,” Andrew interjects and I wince.

Not the best course of action if you were hoping to make a good impression with Lauren.

Lauren nods her head, her demeanor changing as I know she’s feeling somewhat burned by Andrew’s words. “All I’m saying is, he’s here now, there’s really no point in me being here. You’ll just be tugged back and forth between us and that’s not fair, especially when he’s who you want to be with.”

“That’s not true,” I say.

And it’s not. Lauren was there for me when I needed her. She’s always there when I need her. And I can’t treat her like an afterthought now, even if I want to spend the next three days in bed with Will.

“We are still going out tonight, right?” I ask her, knowing that the idea of partying would perk her up and put her back in better spirits.

“I’m not really in the mood now.” She puts her hands on her hips and cocks her head to the side, her ponytail dusting the skin of her shoulder. Her perfectly shaped eyebrows furrow together as she shoots me her signature ‘I’m annoyed I’m not getting my way’look.

“Well get the fuck in the mood. We’re doing shots,” I say matter of factly as I wave the bartender over and order four shots of tequila.

Lauren pouts, but I can see the smile hiding behind it at the idea of knocking this party into high gear with back to back shots of tequila. The bartender places them in front of us and I smack Will’s hand away when he reaches for one. “What are you doing?”

“You ordered four?” he asks raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, two for her, two for me,” I shoot him a smile and I hear Andrew’s deep laugh. “You guys will come though, right?”

“Like I want you parading around a club in this tiny ass dress and not be there to beat everyone off with a stick,” he whispers in my ear before nibbling gently. It all makes sense now. I’d sent Will a picture of me in the short black dress I’d donned for the evening, but then the text had gone unanswered much to my disappointment.He’d been on the plane to surprise me.

I lick my lips as I stare at him before I brush my lips over his. “I’m glad you’re here,” I smile, hoping he didn’t take my conversation with Lauren to mean otherwise. He nods and gives me a knowing smile.This whole being in love with the voice of reason thing might be the best thing that ever happened to me.

I turn to look at Lauren and shoot her a pointed glare. “You okay with them coming? I mean, you were going to be scamming on guys all night anywayMiss Three Guys Slid into my DMs today. I can have my boyfriend with me.”

“Fine, but don’t scare the guys away,” Lauren says before taking her second shot and heading back to our table.

I roll my eyes at her sassiness and look at the two men on the other side of me. Andrew is staring after her with a look of interest. He had watched her collect the salt from her hand with her tongue ratherclosely, and I would know that look anywhere. He looks at me with a smile. “Tonight’s going to be fun. I’m going to run upstairs to my room to get changed. When are we leaving?”

“Maybe an hour?”

“Perfect.” He motions after Lauren. “She single?”

“Today.” I shrug as I think about my best friend’s dating habits.

“Even better.” Drew rolls the sleeves of his white button down up to his elbows and runs a hand through his hair as he continues to stare after her.

“Come down when you’re ready. We are in 706, we have a fully stocked bar.” I tell him, my mind already predicting with how the night is going to go between them.