“Not what I asked you, Will. I’m asking…if you’ve had anything to drink.” His tone is even, but with a hint of scolding.

I slide my Ray-Bans onto my face, not knowing how to look my old sponsor in the face and lie to him about the scotch I’d had before bed —and the beer I’d had before I met him on the course.

“No, Tuck. I haven’t.”

“IDON’T SEE WHY YOUtold your mentor anyway. It’s like you were looking for a lecture.” My brother says as he slams his drink down in front of him, the liquid sloshing over the sides of the glass. I’d met him for a beer at a bar near his house that turned into a two which soon turned into four.

I could hear Tuck’s pesky voice in my ear, asking me if I’d had everything under control. If the stress caused by my relationship with Charley had led me down a familiar road of self-destruction.If I’d had a drink recently.I scratch my beard and pinch the bridge of my nose, feeling suddenly antsy and fidgety.

Everything is under control. Tuck is way too intense. I’m not falling into old patterns.

Everything is fine.

I’m fine.

I clear my throat, preparing to explain why I felt the need to disclose everything I had with Tuck. “There’s a good chance her husband is coming after my practice….” I trail off. “Well, there was until Dad got ahold of him.”

“Poor bastard, probably didn’t even see the wrath of J.R. coming.” He snorts.

I frown, wondering what he knew about the wrath. Andrew Montgomery was the golden child, perfect in my parent’s eyes. Star of the football team, Prom King, lacrosse captain, all around sports God. His grades were…decent. But everyone overlooks that when you’re All-American. My parents were over the moon when he’d gotten a full ride to play at Ohio State. They were devastated that he’d be so far away, but they were thrilled at the bragging rights it gave them to everyone in Georgia. I, on the other hand, was classified as Drew’s younger brother.The Other Montgomerywas my claim to fame.The second child. I’d grown up with a middle child complex and I didn’t even have younger siblings. I tried my best to be like him so that my parents would notice me. So they’d pay more attention. I was decent at sports, but nothing to the caliber of my star older brother. It used to confuse the shit out of everyone that I wasn’t better. I was smart as shit, acing my way through high school and scoring almost a perfect score on my SATs.But no one seemed to care about that in comparison to my brother’s ability to throw sixty-yard touchdown passes.

I let his comment slide, suppressing my feelings just as I had done my entire life. I look up from my drink to see my brother making eyes with a redhead at the end of the bar. I watch as she tips the beer bottle back, running her tongue over the neck as if it’s well, you know. I shake my head at her brazenness, but mostly I’m confused because, although my brother may be a manwhore, he was usually monogamous. “What happened to Olivia?” I ask, referring to the woman my brother was seeing just last week, if my memory serves me correctly.

“Oh, we broke up.” He doesn’t even glance in my direction, his gaze still fixed on the redhead who is currently twirling her curls around her finger.How original.“I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes?” He finally pulls his gaze away from her—or her chest that is practically exposed—to look at me.

“Did you actually just say that?”

“You’d be surprised, little bro. A lot of girls out here are dying their hair red these days. Fucking a woman with red pubes is like meeting a real-life mermaid. Ariel in the flesh, if you will.” He waves his hand as if to say,obviously.

“Haven’t we talked about not sexualizing children’s movies?” I groan, remembering a particular traumatic conversation he’d had with his fraternity brothers that I’d had the misfortune of witnessing regarding who was the most fuckable Disney Princess.

“Haven’t we talked about not shrinking me, Dr. Asshole?”

“Fine, go. Fuck Ariel. Don’t come crying to me when she gives you crabs though.”

His head whips to mine and then back to hers. “She has crabs!?”

“I was making a joke, dumbass. The Little Mermaid, her best friend was a crab?”

“Oh. Right.” She looks at the woman before turning back to me. “Now all I can see is crabs. Thanks for ruining it for me. I was obviously going to wrap it up.”

I lift the beer bottle to my lips, taking a long swig of the liquid. “Sure, bro.”

“Stop being a cock block! Just because you’re not getting laid right now, stop ruining it for the rest of us.” He rolls his eyes. “Speaking of which, when is Charley coming back?”

Just hearing her name, makes the ache in my balls feel that much heavier, knowing that she won’t be back for three more days. “Monday.”

“Don’t break your dick off before then.” He chuckles.

“Says the man who spent the better part of his teenage years in the fucking bathroom.”

“Hey, I wasn’t always in there alone.”

I roll my eyes remembering how Drew often had girls over. My parents were rarely home as we got older, my father working around the clock and my mother usually at luncheons forThe Junior League.I would lock myself in my room, doing homework or reading while my brother had more than his fair share of girls moving through his room as if it were an assembly line.

I’ll admit I’d been jealous at the time, but now, I didn’t envy him in the slightest. A series of faceless women over and over, night after night. I’d engaged in casual sex from time to time before I met Charley, and rarely did it leave me feeling satisfied. Rarely was I sated. “Oh, I know. I had to help sneak girls out of your room on more than one occasion.”

“Look I know you were saving yourself for marriage and all, but don’t judge me for getting laid in high school.” He waves at the bartender before pointing at his bottle indicating he needed another.