“Ms. Pierce, Drew is another one of his triggers so no, he wouldn’t be allowed either.”

“What kind of bullshit are you telling him? We’re his family! You can’t tell me we’re triggers because we love him too much. What kind of quack are you?! And how can you even be telling me this, aren’t you breaking doctor patient confidentiality?”

“I have in writing a signed form from Will authorizing me to speak with you on any and all matters.”

“How is Drew a trigger?”

“There are…issues from their childhood that Will hasn’t completely worked through.”

I guess what he was telling me affects him more than he let on.

“Can he still come home Monday?” I whisper, fearing that they’re about to tell me they want to keep him for the month, which I read online was a real thing.

“That is the plan we have in place. We are on track for that.”

“If I send him something, can he have it?”

“Like what?”

“A letter?”

“How is that any different from talking to him?”

“So, he’s just supposed to think that I’ve forgotten about him? That I don’t care at all? That I haven’t been trying to talk to him?”

“He knows, Ms. Pierce. He knows you’ve been calling.”

At this point, Lauren finds her seat on the couch next to me, and gives me a sad smile, no doubt having heard my half of this conversation. She grabs my free hand and squeezes it. “Will you tell him…that I love him?”

“That I can do.”

“And that I’ll be there on Monday.”


“Okay and—”

“Miss Pierce, I suggest you get some rest. Everything is going to be okay.”


“Have a good night, Charlotte.”

“Same, Doc,” I say before I hang up and Lauren’s arms are around me instantly as the tears stream down my face.

Thursday: Day Four

“ARE YOU OUT OF YOURmind!?” I scream. “You can’t tell her she can’t come here. It is literally the ENTIRE point of having a Family Day. It’s not just for the people in here, but for the people OUT THERE too!” I shout as I point out the window.

Tuck and Patterson have just sat me down to let me know that they’d informed Charley that I wasn’t permitted to have any visitors.This is on top of the rule that I can’t even speak to her on the phone.

“Will, I know that this is difficult to process, but as we’ve told you when we discussed the phone calls. We need to avoid any aggressive triggers until we get to the root of the issue and why you’ve returned to alcohol for a second time,” Tuck says.

“Charley is not the problem,” I grit out, my hand flexing angrily.Don’t come within swinging range of me Tuck, I mean it.

“Problem is not the appropriate word. But she is the catalyst.”

“This is bullshit. You can’t keep me from her.”