Wednesday: Day Three

I am a nervous wreck. It’s been three days since I talked to Will. Three goddamn days. Two nights I’ve gone to bed without hearing his voice. Last night, I stared at the ceiling for the majority of the night after Drew and I called, until I finally got up out of bed and started reading the fourth book I’ve downloaded since he left.

I’ve stress baked, cleaned, started researching ideas of where we could travel to, ordered almost two hundred dollars’ worth of baby books on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I’ve done everything to keep my mind off of the fact that I haven’t talked to Will in over forty-eight hours.

Maybe if I could just get Tucker on the phone. He could tell me what is going on. But how do I even find him?I pull up my phone and Google his name and I’m pleased to see there’s only one Doctor in Atlanta with that name. I dial his office and I’m met with someone I assume to be his secretary.Great. More runaround.

“Dr. Tucker is actually out of office for the week, is there something that another Doctor can help you with?”

This is a complete nightmare. Why can’t I just wake up?“No, I really need Dr. Tucker. If he does return to his office at any point, please have him call Charlotte Pierce. Please do not pass along my message to any other doctor. Only Dr. Tucker.”

“Yes, Ms. Pierce. We take confidentiality requests very seriously.”

“Thank you. My phone number is 404-354-0981.”

“I will pass along the message.”

“Great, thank you.” I fall back onto the pillows and hang up the phone, only to stare at it.I should call again…

“God dammit. It’s not four pm,” I say in a high-pitched voice as I mimic all three of the women who refuse to put me through to Will.

What if I just went…No, tomorrow is family day. You can go tomorrow.

Lauren has been calling me for two days so I’m not totally surprised when she shows up at Will’s door with her hands on her hips and her head cocked to the side. “What the fuck?” she growls as she walks by me. “Why aren’t you answering my calls?” She moves past me.

“Sorry, I’m just…a wreck.” I put my head in my hands as I collapse on the couch in a heap. “I am literally one second from going off the deep end. I can’t get him on the phone. I’ve been calling since yesterday. If I knew I wasn’t going to be allowed to talk to him I could have prepared myself for it. But Will said we would be able to communicate at certain times. And now he’s not talking to anyone.”

“It’s only been what—three days? Maybe they told him the first few days no phone access?”

“Well, he should have told them that someone should reach out to his pregnant fiancée that would worry about him, if that’s the case.” I’m silent for a moment as I prepare myself to voice my fears aloud for the first time. “Lauren, what if something is wrong? What if they’re hurting him or…brainwashing him that this is all my fault? God, what if this is all my fault.” I put my hands over my eyes as I feel the tears forming.

“Charley, this is absolutely not your fault.” She pulls my hands from my eyes. “I don’t know what made Will start drinking like that, but you know it’s not because of you. He worships the ground you walk on, Char. And he just wants to get better, for you and the baby. Even if you convinced him not to turn himself in, and he was still practicing, the guilt could have eaten away at him.”

I let out a sigh. “I’m calling again at four.”

Despite Lauren’s visit, I am still on edge most of the day.Maybe I’m overreacting. Lauren is probably right. They told him that they didn’t want him making any calls and just hadn’t gotten around to calling me to let me know.I purse my lips together.Assholes.I’m not asking for a long phone call.It’s four pm as I settle in to call again.

“It’s Ms. Pierce,again,” I say, recognizing Betty’s voice from the two days before.

“Hi, Ms. Pierce. You still haven’t spoken with Dr. Montgomery?”

“Nope,” I say. “Can I please speak with him, now?”

“Hold on for just a moment.”

Lauren gives me two thumbs up and walks out of the living room towards the kitchen in an effort to give me some privacy.

“Ms. Pierce,” I hear a familiar voice, but not therightfamiliar voice.

“Dr. Tucker?”

“Yes, hi, how are you?”

“I’ve been better, Doctor. I’ve been trying to talk to Will. I even called your office to see if you could help.”

“Yes, I got the message. My secretary thought it might be important. You sounded…anxious.”

“I am. I want to speak to Will, please.”