The thought makes me enraged. “It’s mine,” I grit out.

He puts his hands up in defeat. “Then what happened? What’s going on?”

“How the fuck do you even know?”Did Lauren call Drew when Charley showed up? Did Charley call Drew?

“I was at Lauren’s when she showed up. I overheard them talking.”

I nod in understanding. To be honest, I wasn’t aware that they were still seeing each other that frequently.Not that you ever know much about your brother and his sexcapades.

“What else did she say?”Does he know everything?

“That’s all. She didn’t say what happened. She just asked if I could come check on you.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. Not that I thought Charlotte would unleash all of my issues on him, but I’m grateful that at least he doesn’t know much. “I’m good, Drew. I don’t need anything.”

He rubs the area behind his neck and gives me a worried look. “She said you think she left you.”

What’s there to think about? I begged you not to go, and you did anyway.“You don’t see her here, do you? Shedidleave me.”

“It didn’t sound like she agreed with that.”

“Fine, if you’re determined to talk, you may want to sit.”

“Sounds like there’s a story, should I grab us some beers?”

I blanche, my blood feeling like ice in my veins. “You have no idea how bad I want to say yes.”

6:00 pm

I’m lying flat on my back on Lauren’s bed as she lies next to me, both of us silent. I imagine she’s trying to let everything sink in. She has a glass of vodka next to her that she’s been nursing since I started explaining. She’d said sheneeded something stronger than wine for thisbefore she promptly poured it down the sink. She looks over at me and gives me a small smile. “How are you feeling?”

“Like shit.”

“You did the right thing, Charley.”

I turn my head towards her. “Did I?”

“Yes. Will needs help, and you’re right he was so dependent on you to make him happy.”

“Is that so wrong?”I made him happy and he wanted to be with me, maybe I was overreacting.

“No, but it could get exhausting. It’s a lot to be everything for someone.”

“He was everything for me.”

She scoffs. “Um false. You have me.”

“Not for much longer.”

She rolls her eyes. “And you have hobbies. What does Will do besides work and worship the ground you walk on?”

“He plays golf and umm…” I sit up, trying to think about what he’s done in the past few months besides dote over me.

“Drink, evidently,” she says before she takes a sip of her drink.

“That’s not funny,” I warn her.

“I wasn’t joking.”