“Youdon’t trustme? That’s rich, you’ve been screwing my wife for how many months now?”

“LOOK,” I growl and my father shakes his head and spins his finger in a circle signaling that I need to wrap up this conversation. “Thirty minutes, Wells.”

“I’ll see you then. Ismy wifejoining us?” he asks and I can sense the hostility through the phone.

“No,” I say succinctly.

I don’t want her anywhere near you, asshole. I’m ending this shit once and for all. And then Charley is mine.

I end the phone call with Matt and walk into my living room to see my brother and Charley playing what looks like…poker? “Got yourself a badass poker player here, little bro. Take this lady to Vegas.”

“This is big,” I say, kissing the top of her head. “No one beats my brother at poker.” Something I’ve learned the hard way—many times.

She giggles before her smile turns to a frown. “Where are you going?” she asks, seeing my jacket pulled tight around me.

“J.R. and I are going into my office for a little while.”

She furrows her brow and I know she has a million questions running through her brain. “Why?”

I kiss her forehead. “We’ll talk when I get back, okay? Bro, stay here?” I give him a look that sayslook out for my girl.

“But—” she says, pulling my attention back to her. She gets up on her knees so that she’s closer to eye level. “What happened to doing things together? Facing this together?” she whispers.

“We are…I just have to do one thing first, okay? Do you trust me?” I ask her.

“Yes.” She nods. “Of course, I do.” I lower my face to hers and she takes my lips immediately. Despite my father and brother in the room, I slide my tongue through her lips quickly. She responds to the kiss just as quick and it’s amazing that a kiss that brief can arouse me instantly. “I love you,” she says as my lips leave hers, our bodies still breathing the same air.

“I love you too. I won’t be long,” She nods and as I walk away from her, I notice something in her eyes.


MATT WALKS INTO MY OFFICEas if he owns it, arrogance radiating from him with every step. He stops in his tracks as he crosses the threshold, and I think he’s stunned that there will be another person present in the room. “What is this? I wasn’t aware that I needed legal representation for this meeting.”

“Have a seat, Mr. Wells,” my father says, going into lawyer mode immediately.

Matt straightens his tie before he takes a seat across from me, only my desk separating myself and the husband of the woman I love. He crosses one leg over the other, his eyes narrowing and a smirk playing at his lips.

He thinks he’s won.

“And here I thought you had come to your senses.”

“Oh, we have, Mr. Wells. The question is, have you?” My father leans forward slightly, resting his hands on my desk, looking down at Matt.

“I want my lawyer.”

“Go ahead…call him. My guess is you don’t want to divulge though, that you tried to blackmail my client…and you put it in writing?” He rolls his eyes. “Your lawyer will be about ready to strangle you.”

“What the fuck is this about? Get to the point,” Matt snarls. His eyes narrow angrily, but I detect an uneasiness behind them.

“First, I just want to make sure I’m understanding your motives. You believe that your wife is a lying, manipulative, deceitful cheater and you don’t want her to get away with that, correct?”

“I don’t believe it…I know it.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“I have proof!”

“Proof of what exactly?” J.R. clasps his hands, steepling his index fingers, and points at Matt. “So, you have a couple pics from a PI? Doctored probably.” He shrugs. “That’s all you’ve got?” He narrows his eyes at him and I have to admit I’m stunned.Pictures were worth a thousand words.