“Look at me, Charlotte.”

She obeys my order immediately. “Yes?”

I begin to rub my fingers against her vaginal wall and she clenches. “No onemattered before you.” I begin to slow my ministrations, pulling my fingers from inside of her and ghosting them slowly over her slippery clit. “My therapist thinks I had commitment issues…well, until you. I ran from relationships. Never let myself get too close to women,” I whisper in her ear, pressing a kiss to the side of her neck. “And then I met you, and you brought me to my knees so easily. I thought about you constantly, from the first day I met you. I want to marry you, father your children, grow old with you.Youbroke me of my fear of commitments. I’ve been committed to you from the moment you asked if I saw myself getting married or if I was too jaded from my profession.”

She gasps, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m still fingering her or if she’s recalling that conversation and realizing that it was before we ever slept together.

“I’ve been yours long before I ever touched you, Charlotte.”

Seven months prior

“So why aren’t you married, Dr. Montgomery?” Charley asks as she leans back in her usual seat. This has become a bit of a routine for us. Matt is always late, so we usually spend the first twenty minutes of their scheduled session talking about—anything. Everything. “Has this job made you jaded? You’ve seen too much?” Her legs are crossed, her nude pump, moving up and down slowly and the way it contrasts with her slender, tanned ankle is mesmerizing.

Realizing I need to answer, I shake my head at her invasion of privacy. Anyone else I’d sidestep the question or accuse them of being inappropriate. But not Charlotte. Not the woman that is starring in every single one of my dirty fantasies. Not the woman I’d jacked off thinking about not thirty minutes ago. No, she could know the truth.

“I just haven’t met the right one, I guess,” I say.

How can I when I spend most of my day trying to get you out of my mind, Charlotte?

“Are you sure you haven’t met her?” she asks, her eyes slightly narrowed. “I mean how does anyone know who the one is?”

I’m slightly taken aback by the first part of her question. What does that mean? “You just… know,” I tell her.

“That’s not very…specific. Your fancy degrees teach you that?” she chirps as she nods at my framed diplomas hanging on the wall behind me.

I smile at her cheekiness. Another thing I love about Charley. My eyes blink several times having caught the word blaring in my head like a bright neon light.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Every feeling that I’ve ever felt about Charlotte Pierce is coming at me all at once. The first time we met, the first time I got a whiff of her hair, the first time I touched her soft skin, the first time she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me after a particularly rough session; her soft breasts, pressed up against me. The first time I masturbated thinking about her.

And the second…

and third…

and fourth…

And now, the first time I’ve had a startling realization. I am in love with Charlotte Pierce.

A smile crosses my lips as I face this epiphany, before everything comes crashing down when reality sets in.

“Sorry I’m late,” Matt says as he enters the room and pulls the woman I love to her feet and presses a kiss to her cheek.

“I thought you were looking at me weird that entire session,” she giggles as I kneel before her, pulling her panties down her legs. She looks down at me as they reach her feet and she steps out of them. I move up her body, sliding my hands up her silky smooth legs and over the curve of her ass to cup her cheeks. Her hands find my shoulders as she looks me square in the eye wondering what I’m going to do next.

I brush my lips once against hers. “I knew then. I just…didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how I was going to handle counseling you…watching you with your husband. I actively tried to push the feelings to the side, ignore them. But they wouldn’t go away and then one day… I caught a look.” I smile as I recall the lustful gaze I saw in her eyes. “You say you always looked at me with stars in your eyes, but you must have hidden it well because I never got any indication that you might want me. And then one day…you did. I was calling you in for your solo session the next day. I didn’t even know what I was going to do then,” I tell her, as I begin to unbuckle my pants.

“Tell me what you were thinking,” she whispers.

“That I wasn’t sure if I could fuck you. What if you were interested but weren’t interested in going that far. What if I completely misread the signals? I could’ve been in a ton of trouble if I had read the situation wrong.”

“Like we are now?” She opens her eyes and winces slightly.

“Worth it. But no, it’s different. You could have sued for sexual harassment.”

“I wouldn’t have,” she whispers. “Even if I didn’t want to go as far as we did. I wouldn’t have told anyone if you made a pass at me. I liked you too much.” She brushes her hand softly against my jaw and I push my head further into it letting her fingers stroke the bristles on my skin.

I nod, pressing a kiss to her palm. “Not that it matters now. It all worked out in the end.”