“Well, you really shouldn’t sleep with your co-workers.”

“There’s nothing in our code of conduct on it. It might be frowned upon but it’s not forbidden.”

“You had sex with her in your office?” she asks, and I don’t miss her lip slightly trembling.

“Charley…” I trail off, my finger finding her soft cheek. “Baby, please don’t be upset.”

“I’m not,” she says as she looks away from me, her hand finding the space under her left eye and wiping gently. She clears her throat and sniffles and I’ve officially had enough. I pull her to the couch and bring her into my lap, cupping her face.

“I loveyouso much, do you know that?” I rub my nose against hers.

“Do you think I’m prettier than her?”

“Do you even have to ask?”

She nods. “You said…I mean she said you said that she was the most beautiful.”

“You know I think you’re the most insanely beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. When I met you…I think I was speechless for a few seconds. You are stunning.”

She sighs. “I’m officially over this conversation. I’m exhausted after meeting your ex-girlfriend. She’s a gem, by the way.”

“I was perfectly content not having this conversation. We could be fucking right now.”Or you could use this time to talk to her about what she needs to know.

She snorts and I don’t like her reaction to the idea of making love when it’s obvious we both need it. “Tell me about Audrey.”

“No, Charley.”


“Because she’s fucking irrelevant, and I’m not arguing with you about her.”

“I don’t need a blow by blow of your sex life, I mean what happened in the relationship?” She rolls her eyes as she stands and pours another glass of wine.Time to slow this train down.

I let her keep the glass but I pull the bottle of wine off the counter and hold it in my hands resisting the urge to put it to my lips and take a long drink. “Stop saying shit like that, Charlotte, or I’m taking you the fuck over my knee until you can remember just whoIbelong to.”

“Apparently the woman that’s the juiciest forbidden fruit.” She shrugs. My nostrils flare, my eyes widen, and I resist the urge to snatch her wine and throw it at the wall. “How do you think it made me feel to hear that?” she yells. “That you’ll lose interest in me once the chase and the initial excitement is over?”

“Fuck you, Charley,” I growl pulling her glass from her hand and setting it on the counter. The rational thing to do would be to go to my office to put some space between myself and this infuriating woman. But instead, I push her hard against the wall, ripping her blouse off of her. The buttons fly everywhere, and before I even take her bra—one of the ones I had bought her all those months ago—off, I’m sucking her thin lace covered nipple into my mouth and biting downhard.

She yelps, which quickly turns into a moan as I lightly tickle her nipple with my tongue. “I’ve onlyeverbelonged to you. And you know that. You’re just trying to get under my skin,” I say as my hands fist the lace material. “And it’s fucking working. Stop putting yourself on the same level as anyone that came before you. Stop comparing yourself to anyone else because there is no comparison.” I rip the bra at the point between her breasts and slide it off her before trailing my tongue through the valley of her breasts.

“You are so sweet,” I murmur into her skin. “No woman has ever tasted like you. I’ve always liked the way your skin tasted. Even after your runs…” My lips find her left nipple and I enclose my lips around it. My eyes finding hers, and I look up at her as I suckle her perky breast.

“You think I wanted to fuck my patient? Fuck a married woman? No. That’s not why I wanted to fuck you or why my thoughts were consumed with you every waking moment. Why I couldn’t get you out of my head when I masturbated. I wanted to fuckyou,Charlotte. Kiss you. Lick you. Worship you. And right before we finally got together, I realized I didn’t want to only fuck you, but I wanted to make love to you. I’ve told you this before. My feelings for you started off pretty strong and then got to be unbreakable.”

She moans as her leg finds its way around my waist, in an attempt to bring me closer to her. “I’m sorry,” she whimpers, “for being so crazy.”

“You should be sorry,” I growl, hating that I’ve spent the last hour or so convincing my fiancée no one mattered before her. “I love you. And you acting like you doubt that pisses me the fuck off.”

“I don’t doubt it.” She whimpers and her eyes look up at me nervously.

“Oh? It certainly sounded like you weren’t sure. That you don’t trust me.”

“I trust you.” She assures me as her grip tightens around my biceps. Her fingernails digging into the skin as if my skepticism scares her.

“Do you?”She shouldn’t

“Yes!” she cries out. My fingers have found their way into her panties and have thrusted upwards. “Yes, of course I trust you,” she says as her jaw goes slack and her head rests up against the wall behind her.