Dr. Audrey Norwood.

My eyes close slowly, a clear sign of my irritation; Charley picks up on it immediately and her brows furrow together in question.

Audrey Norwood has been a colleague of mine for years. She’s also a woman that I was sleeping with for a few months when I first started practicing five years ago. I had assumed we were just having fun, but then she mentioned meeting her parents and in true commitment-phobe fashion, I panicked. I told her I wasn’t ready for that step and fed her a story about how it was unethical for us to be sleeping and working together. I don’t know if it’s in violation of our code of conduct not to screw your coworkers…but I went with it. Needless to say, she was pissed.

And now here we are years later, and she’s investigating me over a relationship with a patient.

Where are these so-called ethics now, Montgomery?I can almost hear her thoughts as she shoots daggers at me, and now Charley who has found her way into my arms.

“Hi,” Charley breathes, and her face finds my neck, her arms wrapping around my back. She looks up at me, her eyes full of question. “Everything okay?”

I don’t have a chance to answer her when Norwood’s voice rings through the air. “Dr. Montgomery, a word please?” she asks, and I shoot her a look.

“Is that really necessary?”

She looks taken aback by my response and crosses her arms across her chest successfully pushing her breasts upwards which doesn’t have the same effect that it used to. “It really is. Or did you forget the mess that you’ve gotten yourself into due to this violation ofethics?”she spits out.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes.And there it is.

“It’s okay, I’ll wait here,” I hear next to me.Charley probably has a million questions running through her mind.I cup her cheeks lightly and brush my lips over hers.

“Five minutes,” I tell her, and wonder if she’s feeling uncomfortable with this public display of affection in front of the person that was interviewing her just minutes earlier, because a hint of pink colors her cheeks.

“Unbelievable,” I hear murmured and Charley turns her gaze away from me to Audrey, breaking my grasp on her face.

“Excuse me?” she asks, and I wonder if she’s getting a vibe from her causing her to get territorial.

I can see Dr. Norwood struggling with a nasty case of word vomit, and before I can suggest moving to another room so that she doesn’t blow all over my fiancé, she speaks. “So, you break up with me because it’s ‘not right’ and yet you can sleep with a patient?” Audrey asks and my shoulders sag instantly as I feel Charley tense next to me.

“I’m notsleepingwith a patient.” I snarl. “And you’re out of line.”

“I’mout of line? You are literally the biggest hypocrite, you know that?”

“Call me what you want, Audrey. But I’m not going to stand here and let you disrespect my relationship with my fiancée.”

“Your fiancée, huh? That’s a mighty small ring,” she says eyeing Charley’s left hand. “Tell me, was this all a scheme? You got caught with your pants down with a married woman so you came up with this whole scheme so that the board will go easier on you? I will say, you are doing an excellent job of selling thisloveaffair,” she snorts.

“A scheme? One that involved me getting an expensive divorce? You think I got divorced just to keep up appearances and we are just pretending? Are you stupid as well as jealous?” Charley perks up. “You’re not even making sense.”

“Excuse me, you can’t talk to me like that.”

“Actually, I can, and I’m pretty sure your board wouldn’t appreciate the conflict of interest that comes with you being on this investigation,” Charley says.

I can’t help the smile creeping onto my face.

“What…are you going to tell them that your precious fiancé couldn’t keep it in his pants withanotherwoman?” Charley is seething, and I decide to derail this conversation, but before I can speak, Audrey continues. “Well, if you’re going to tell them, be sure you have all the facts,” she spits out. “Your therapist soughtmeout.”

“Audrey, enough,” I growl.

“Told me that I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.”

“Stop it,” I bark as I begin to pull Charley from the room.

“That he’d thought about fucking me for weeks. It was so hot when we finally did. We fuckedeverywhere.”

Charley pulls herself from my grip and I’m resisting the urge to haul her over my shoulder so she doesn’t have to listen to any more of this shit.But if I know my girl like I think I do, she has some words for this bitch.

The beginnings of what looks like Audrey’s psychotic break continues. “You did it in his office, right? I hope he didn’t tell you that you were the first to christen his desk, the coffee table…Vanessa’s desk?” She snickers and I notice Charley clench her fist.