“It was very professional.”

“You were sleeping with him,” Dr. Norwood says, and I wince.

“Yes, but…that was later. That was after months of…Dr. Montgomery trying to fix the problems in my marriage. That was after my ex-husband and I had spent months arguing, screaming…”

“Do you think that he used that to his advantage?”

“No. No, of course not! Why…are you trying to make this into something that it’s not! We fell in love. And I understand that it went against the rules, but…in love there are no rules.”

“There are in the medical world, Miss Pierce. Dr. Montgomery knew the rules and he knowingly broke them.”

“Because he loves me. This isn’t some sick game or whatever it is you’re trying to turn this into. Dr. Montgomery and I love each other. We want to get married and have a family. Start a life together,” I say, hoping that it’s okay that I’m divulging all of this.

“Why is it that you keep calling him Dr. Montgomery?”

“I don’t understand…”

“You’re calling him, Dr. Montgomery. Not Will? Is that what you call him in a more… intimate setting as well?”

“No! Of course not. God is that what this is about? You think I have some weird fantasy about sleeping with my doctor? Stop fetishizing him! I didn’t leave my husband for my marriage counselor. I left my husband for another man,” I blurt out, and my eyes widen at the words that have just left my mouth. I shake my head as I let my words wash over me and my gaze finds a spot on the floor. “I left my husband…for another…man,” I whisper slowly. “A man that loves me and cherishes me. A man that put me before his job.” My heart lurches as I say the words aloud. The words that have been tucked away neatly in my brain inside of a box that says“do not open.”“He’s the complete opposite of Matthew. Oh my God,” I whisper as my hands find my face. “But he didn’t…” I hiccup. “He was so professional…He never pressured me into anything. If anything, I made the first move, I made the first hundred moves. The brushes against him, the looks I’d give him when I knew my husband wasn’t looking. Hell, the first day I met him, before I even set foot into his office, I wanted him—” I start when Dr. Lenox interrupts me.

“Pardon the interruption, but…you found yourself attracted to him physically that early on?”

“Absolutely. I was struggling with my attraction to him for months. The first time I saw him…” My teeth find my bottom lip as I remember the first time I ever laid eyes on him. “I thought he was the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen. And he was always so kind and caring…I know he was paid to do that, but I felt like it was different with me.”

“Different how?”

“It’s hard to describe. We just…clicked. And not in a sexual way…”

“Charlotte, in leaving your husband for Dr. Montgomery—” Dr. Lennox starts, and I shake my head.

“Will,” I interrupt, “he tried to tell me we should stop…that it wasn’t right. It wasn’t ethical. We were both in tough spots as our minds battled our hearts.” I shake my head as I lean back in my chair.

“So, you say that he tried to stop, I take that to mean that was after you had already started the affair?”

There’s that word Will warned me about—affair.It was like a bright, blinding, neon light I couldn’t avoid.

“Yes. He suggested on more than one occasion that it wasn’t right and that we should stop.”

“And why didn’t you?”

I bite my bottom lip. “I didn’t want to. Maybe he didn’t want to either…I don’t know. The chemistry we have, the attraction between us is…explosive. We couldn’t deny what was happening between us.”

“And the whole time your husband was oblivious to what was happening underneath his nose?”

My lips form a straight line as I nod my head slowly. “That’s correct.”

I see them both scribble something frantically in their notebook and I can already imagine what the words say. ‘Bored housewife. Neglectful husband. Crying out for attention.

“Miss Pierce are you familiar with theKnight and Shining Armor Complex?”

Here we go.“I can draw my own conclusions,” I say simply. “I assume you’re going to say that I fell for a man because I believe he saved me from something.” I roll my eyes. “That’s not why I fell for him. If he wasn’t my counselor, I would just be a woman that fell for a man.”

“But hewasyour counselor. And that makes things complicated,” Dr. Norwood says.

“I don’t know what you want me to say,” I whisper. “I never meant for this to happen…but if I could do it all over again…I would.”

MY EYES SNAP UP FROMthe spot on the floor I’d been staring at for the past hour as I hear the door open. I smile, seeing Charley walk through the door but as quick as it finds my face it fades when I see the person behind her.