Dr. Marks nods, before he shuts Charlotte’s file and crosses his hands over it. “I am very disappointed in you, Dr. Montgomery.”

“I know.”

“We’ll be needing an official testimony of your time with Ms. Pierce and the time leading up to it as well. Which will be done in private. You may keep your lawyer,” Dr. Marks says, looking at Charlotte as if to sayshe has to go.

I feel Charlotte tense next to me and I imagine she hears the implication as well. “I can go.” She moves to her feet as all of the gentlemen in the room stand up with me. I grip her hand, alerting her that I would be walking out with her.

“I’ll be just a moment,” I tell them as I follow her out.

Once we are out of the room, I feel like I can breathe now that the tension is no longer swirling around me. Charlotte is in my arms instantly.

“You’re doing so well,” she tells me, pulling back to look up at me. “I love you.”

“Will you stay?” I whisper as she squeezes me tighter and peppers kisses on my neck.

“Of course, I’ll be right over there.” She points at the loveseat we were sitting on earlier. I nod, thankful she won’t be too far away from me. “How about a kiss?”

I nod and she wraps her arms around my neck and presses herself flush against me. “I love you so much, Will Montgomery. And when you leave, we’re going to go home and make love all of over your house becausenothingwill be held over our heads any longer. Everything is out in the open. We. are.free.”

“Free,” I whisper.

Except I’m not.

“DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY’REgoing to ask me?” I ask Will. My head rests on his chest, allowing me to listen to every beat of his heart. We’d already made love once, but the way he’s rubbing his hand down my back and grazing my ass gently, it’s safe to assume we’ll be doing so again very shortly.

I feel his hand move up my back and begin to play with my hair, twisting it around his index finger. “I can imagine that it’s something along the lines of whether or not you felt that I pressured you into the affair.”

“Affair?” I ask, lifting my head to look at him. “Is that what you would call us?”

“No, but that’s whatthey’llcall us.”

I lay my head back down and rest my leg over his legs, rubbing my core against his thigh in the process. I feel myself begin to tingle as my folds make direct contact with his body. “Is there anything I shouldn’t say?”

“No, baby.” He moves so that he’s hovering over me. “Just tell the truth.” He rubs his nose against mine. “Everything is going to be okay. I’ll be right outside waiting for you.”

I nod as I run my hand across his cheek and rub his growing beard. “I am so proud of you,” I tell him again. His eyes narrow slightly at what I assume to be confusion over my comment. “You stood by your morals and you did the right thing. The world would be better with more people like you, Will Montgomery.” He frowns slightly and I’m not sure why.

His face eventually finds my neck and I wonder if it’s because he knows I can read him like a book. “I’m sorry that I brought you into this. That you’re involved…” His voice breaks.

“I’ve been involved for a while now, Montgomery,” I giggle as my mouth finds his shoulder and I sink my teeth into the taut flesh. He groans and moves, allowing his cock to rest against the apex of my thighs but not quite where I need him most. I part my legs, wrapping them around his body and he takes it as the invitation to slide inside of me. His lips find mine and he licks into my mouth, his tongue massaging mine as he thrusts slowly into my aching core.

Every time we make love it’s better than the last, and I let out a sigh of contentedness as his left hand finds my nipple. “I love you,” he murmurs against my mouth. “I can’t wait to make you mine.”

“I am yours,” I moan, even though I know what he means.

Officially his. Husband. Wife. Marriage.

I squeeze my eyes together tight, as I feel the orgasm brewing just over those three words flashing through my mind. He moves to his back in response to my words, bringing me to be on top, not breaking our connection for a second. I sit up and begin to ride him as both hands find my breasts.

“You are so beautiful, Charlotte.” He sits up, holding me in place as I continue to move up and down on his cock. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” His eyes close and his fingertips find my hips as he guides me up and down on his shaft. “Fuck.” He opens his eyes and fixes his gaze on where we are connected between us, his shaft glistening with the arousal from my wet core. “You’re so incredible. How was I supposed to see you three times a week andnotfall in love with you? How was I supposed to leave you alone?”

“I didn’t want you to leave me alone, Will.”

“I thought if I just…tasted you once, it would get you out of my system.” He growls as he quickens his pace. “But you’re my addiction, Charlotte Pierce. One taste wasn’t enough. One taste of you could never be enough. I want all of you.Need all of you.Everyday. For the rest of my life.”

“Yes!” I throw my head back as I feel the beginnings of my orgasm.

“Tell me you feel the same,” he says, his voice hoarse and my head shoots up to find his eyes boring into mine.