He even put J.R. in his place. Well, I’m fucked.A bottle of Macallan 18 flashes through my head.


You really think you’re not going to need a drink after this?

No. I need to tell Charlotte the truth.

But then she’ll probably purge the house of alcohol.

I blink my eyes a few times, trying to quiet my thoughts as Dr. Marks continues. “I understand it’s complicated. What I want to know is if the patient in question who was married when she started seeing Dr. Montgomery, decided to terminate her marriageaftershe started sleeping with him.”

“Yes,” I answer. I’d made my bed…one I had fucked Charlotte in,and now I had to lie in it.

Dr. Marks rubs a hand over his eyes. “I want your patient’s file, and I assume, since they are now divorced you are no longer seeing them?”

“That is correct.”

“When did you stop counseling them?”

“When she filed, about two and a half months ago.”

“How long were you involved before then?”

“Five months,” I answer as I slide Charlotte and Matt’s file across the table.

“Five?” Dr. Marks looks at me and then at Charlotte. “You know better than this. You’re one of the finest doctors in the field.”

“Does the husband know?” another member asks.

“When did you become engaged?” another asks.

“Are you living together?” the questions are coming at me rapid fire when Dr. Marks silences the group.

“Does the husband know and is he going to make trouble? What is the likelihood that he will sue for malpractice?”

“Charlotte’s ex-husband knows, and there is no chance he’s going to make trouble.”

“Legally?” he looks at J.R. who’s currently leaned back in his chair arrogantly. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. He nods once.

“Well, that’s one less thing to worry about.” Dr. Marks opens their file. There are seven month’s worth of notes in there ranging from Matt’s narcissism, Charlotte’s need to apologize for everything, and the fact that they weren’t having sex. I’d painted the picture of two people that had no business being married.But it wasn’t enough to excuse me for fucking her all over my office for months.

“Sort of,” I hold my breath, preparing to divulge the other half of the situation.

“What the hell do you mean sort of, Dr. Montgomery? Either her husband is an issue or he’s not.”

“We don’t have to worry about him suing,” J.R. interjects.

“Okay?” Dr. Marks says as if to say,get on with it.

“He suspected that we were…having a relationship. He then planted a bug in my office to gain proof.”

“Tell me it just recorded your time with Ms. Pierce here,” Dr. Marks says as his thumb and index finger pinch the bridge of his nose.

“Not exactly.”

Dr. Marks’ hand slams on the table. “What do you mean, not exactly!? How long was the device there, Dr. Montgomery? How many people are on that tape?”

“Four couples,” I admit, shakily.