“Well, what is the point?” His lips are on my jaw, kissing his way along the line and nibbling gently on my ear.

“That I’m sorry.”

“For…sleeping with me or getting a divorce?” He raises an eyebrow at me and I roll my eyes. “Because those things are what led to last night.”

“I’m sorry for…everything bad that’s happened to you since you met me,” I whisper.

He cocks his head to the side. “I’m not. I made certain decisions. Those decisions had consequences, but I don’t regret the choices I made. I don’t regretyou. Anything “bad” that has happened is far outweighed by all of the good.Youarethe good, Charley.”

“You say that now…but what happens if they revoke your license? What happens if you can no longer practice?”

“Then we go from there. Like I told my father, there are other things I can do.”

“What if you realize this was all a mistake?”

“What if you realize it?”

“I won’t.”

“Neither will I. We’re in this together, Charlotte.”

I’m silent for a second, letting his words wash over me. “Am I boring?” He narrows his eyes in question. “Like in bed. Am I boring in bed?”

“I knew you were going to fixate on that. Baby, don’t listen to Matt. He’s an asshole. And the only thing worse than an asshole is an egotistical asshole. You left him, seemingly for another man. He’s hurt, he’s angry, his ego is bruised. He’s trying to get in your head. He knew what to say to play on your emotions to hurt you, to destroy you. And most importantly to make you question everything about yourself, especially your relationship with me.” He shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose as he squeezes his eyes shut. “Charley, you’ve said on numerous occasions that you weren’t happy with your sex life. Sex can be one-sided, obviously. But for good sex, amazing sex, soul-shattering sex like we have, it has to be good for both parties. So, if you felt the disconnect, you don’t think he could?” He lifts my chin to look at him. “I know it stings, but I figured you’d take anything he said with a grain of salt.”

I can sense the irritation in his voice, and his pulse flickers in his neck. I frown. “I just…wonder what happens when all of this is just a distant memory? I just want to keep you happy. I don’t want you to get bored and start feeling like you can’t even come to bed until after I’m asleep so you don’t have the arduous task of having sex with me.” At this point, the tears have started to fall down my cheeks and I don’t have the energy to wipe them. My gaze is cast downward so I don’t have to see the pity in Will’s eyes.

“Charlotte, look at me,” he commands, and my watery eyes find his angry ones. I’m shocked at his response. He shakes his head and runs his tongue over his teeth and I wonder what he’s going to say. He puts a hand on either side of my head. “I thought we got rid of this low self-esteem you have. I thought I worked that out of you.”

No. This is different. I don’t have low self-esteem. Matt made a generalization about our sex life and it stung. What woman wants to hear that their husband of five years was unhappy with your sex life for half of your marriage?

“No, it’s not—”

“Fuck whathesaid, Charlotte. How many times has he lied to you over the course of eight years?” My mind drifts back over the past and when I don’t say anything Will answers his own question. “Countless! Matt is a liar. And what do liars do? They lie. What do they do when they feel like they’re backed into a corner? They lash out. And the liar you were with for almost a decade still knows where to hit you to make you feel like you’re two inches tall. He spent the majority of your marriage doing it to you,” he barks. His jaw immediately clenches and I can feel the tension in his shoulders. He lets out a breath, trying to calm himself down before looking up at me. “Do you think I don’t enjoy our sex life? Do you think I’d be potentially sending my life up in flames if I didn’t love you? If I didn’t have insane chemistry with you? I didn’t think that I had to say this, but since you seem to be a bit on the needy side right now, I’ll give it to you. You are the best sex of my life and that’s not going to change.”

I scoff. “I am not needy. Excuse me for being a little hurt by what Matt said.” I go to move off his lap when he grips my thighs keeping me in place.

“Don’t move.”

“I don’t want to talk to you right now. You’re trying to be a shrink and my fiancé and you’re doing a shitty job at both to be honest,” I snap as I effectively move off his lap and start moving towards the door.

I’m almost out of his office before I’m being hauled backwards and pushed up against the wall, his arms boxing me in. “Maybe I shouldshowyou how much I enjoy our sex life.”

“I’m not having sex with you.”

“Oh?” he asks as he cocks one eyebrow while staring me down. “You don’t want to fuck me?”Shut up, Will. Shut up, shut up, shut up!I scream, trying to prevent my body from responding to his question. “You don’t want to suck my cock into that perfect little mouth of yours so far down your throat that you gag? The tears form in your eyes, like they always do when you go too far? But you don’t care, do you?” He groans into my ear as his lips trace the skin on my neck. I whimper in response as he continues.

“You love deep throating me. I’ve spent the last seven months with a hard-on thinking about those lips and that tongue wrapped around my cock, Charlotte. Did you know that?” He grips my jaw as his tongue finds my pulse point and he moves it back and forth devastatingly slow. My thighs press together and my toes curl. “Sometimes when you’re on your knees, you look up at me with those beautiful brown eyes and I have to talk myself down from coming right then and there.” He pulls back and my eyes flutter open just in time to see him staring at me with a cocky smile. I want nothing more than to wipe it from his face but it would require me to have control over my body.And right now, I don’t.William Montgomery has complete control over it, and he knows it.And what’s worse, is so do I.“Do you want to suck my cock, Charlotte?”

Yes. Say yes, Charley. SAY. YES.I roll my eyes at my horny subconscious and before I can stop myself I nod once.

“Good girl,” he says and the two words set my body on fire. “Do you know why I’m doing this?”

Do I?“I’m…I’m not sure. Maybe?”

“Yes, you do.”

“Does everything have to feel like a session? Can’t you just tell me what you’re thinking? Stop making me feel like I have to figure everything out on my own.”