“I am far from perfect, Charley.” I laugh.

Really far.

“Well, you’re perfect for me.”

I hope you still think so after tomorrow.

“You would never lie to me,” she says with a smile. I think she’s still talking, but my brain has shut down hearing those six words.

You would never lie to me.

You would never lie to me.

You would never lie to me.

“I’m sorry, what did you say, baby?” I ask.

“You’re honest and compassionate and you are such a good man, Will. I feel so lucky to know you.”

Charlotte has been unabashed about her feelings from the beginning but hearing her voice them so emphatically has me wanting to fuck her on this table.

Maybe, just maybe I had a shot at keeping her when this was all over.When she had all the facts, she’d look up at me with tears in her eyes and tell me she loved me and that we would get through this together.

It’s all I could hope for.

We’d long since decided that we would leave my car here and come back for it in the morning, and had opted to walk a bit down Main Street before calling it a night. This is how we came to be at a lounge that has a speakeasy feel. Exposed brick and dim lights that flicker line the walls, and amber hues reflect off the shiny mahogany bar.

A bar where Matthew Wells is sitting, his hand moving up the skirt of a blonde woman with breasts up to her ears. I freeze, hesitating to take another step. I turn to Charlotte, trying to block her vision of what’s behind me. “Let’s go, the place next door seems better.”

“What! Oh, come on, this place is so cool.” She steps around me and takes in the atmosphere with almost a childlike expression. She moves towards the bar before immediately stopping in her tracks. The bar is somewhat dark but lit enough for me to follow her gaze to see that she’d located her ex-husband. I watch as the color leaves her face.

“You are much more beautiful,” I murmur in her ear, unsure of what is going through that mind of hers. She scoffs and shakes her head.

“I’m not jealous. But you’re right, we should go. Nothing good can come from the three of us being here.”

I nod in agreement, just as his eyes find us. “Fuck,” I whisper and Charlotte’s sharp intake of breath is enough for me to make the call for us. “We’re out of here.” I grab her hand and begin moving back through the door when I feel something pulling me back followed by a squeal. I turn my head to see that Matt has wrapped his arm around Charlotte’s forearm staring at her with a murderous expression.

“If you don’t let her the fuck go, I will break your arm off,” I growl at him as I put myself between them and force his hand off of her.

He still hasn’t said anything when Charley starts to pull on my arm. “Baby, let’s go.”

“BABY?” he roars, and the thing about speakeasies is they’re quiet, unlike raging clubs and bars; the vibe is relaxed, the volume just above a dull roar. So, when Matt bellows, everyone turns to look at us.

“There a problem here, folks?” the host asks, his eyes scanning the circle and landing on Charlotte as if he’s quickly putting together whatexactlythat problem is.

“He,” Matt sticks his finger in my face, and I resist the urge to break it, “is fucking mywife.”

“Oh my God,” Charlotte groans and a look of dread crosses her face as I imagine she’s picturing the worst.

“She’s hisex-wife,” I snarl, as I look at the man who’s probably regretting even asking.

“This sounds like a domestic problem. And you can handle that outside. I won’t have you disrupting our establishment.”

“That’s fine. We were just leaving when he manhandled her.” I shoot him a glare, as I stand protectively in front of Charlotte.

“I have some fucking things I want to say to you. So yeah, let’s go.” He points his finger in my face and then towards the door.

“Matt, now is really not the time.” Charley’s voice wavers alerting me of the panic she feels.I wish she wasn’t here because this could get ugly.