“This isn’t what’s best,” I tell her honestly. But I know my body betrays my words as well.

“I see.” Her eyes find the floor again, and I take a step towards her, extending my hand to move underneath her chin. “Doesn’t mean I don’t want it.”

She takes a step forward reaching her hand out to me. I know this is the moment that will seal my fate but I let her wrap her arms around me, drawing them up around my neck and press her lips to mine, pouring herself into a kiss. “I need this, it’s not a matter of want.” She leans against me, and before I realize what’s happened her tiny dress has been thrown across the room and I’m sucking her breast as if I’m trying to swallow it whole.

We finish defiling my office once more, and then we are breathing as if we have just run a marathon, a mess of limbs on my couch. She drags her lips over my chest and finds my mouth, kissing me with an aggression that I’ve never experienced. It’s almost as if I’ve set a fire in her that she’s never known and she’s relishing in the sexy creature that she’s become.

“Charley, we should talk about this,” I say against her mouth, and I want to kick myself for interrupting her when I feel her lips leave mine. She sits up and nods once before her eyes find her hands that are fidgeting in her naked lap. “Don’t be nervous,” I whisper in her ear as I sit up and pepper kisses along her shoulder.

“You’re going to say we shouldn’t do this again,” she whispers and to be honest, I was going to, until I saw that look in her eyes. Until I raked my gaze over the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever met, over the most delectable body I’ve ever kissed, the most perfect pink pussy I’ve ever had in my mouth, and all of those rational thoughts go out the window.

“We shouldn’t do this. That much is obvious.”

“I’m sensing a ‘but’,” she says with a wicked gleam in her eye.

“I was just going to suggest some ground rules.”

“Ground rules?”

“Yes. To protect us both. I think we both know how damaging it will be on both sides if this gets out.”

She nods. “Matt can’t know.”

“I agree.” I fight the urge to tell her I don’t want other men touching her. Even her husband. I can’t tell her that for the past two months, I’ve had pangs of jealousy every time I think about her sleeping with her husband. No. That possessive caveman needs to stay locked up.

“Are you doing this with other women? Other patients?” she asks, and I can hear the apprehension in her voice.

“No,” I answer immediately. Does she think my moral compass is that skewed? That I just go fucking any woman with a pulse without regard for the consequences? Can’t she see that she’s different? I don’t think she does so I opt to tell her. “You’re different, Charley.”

“Why? I mean…why me?”

“I’m drawn to you in a way that I’ve never been drawn to anyone. Frankly, I think whatever this is—is bigger than us both.” And I believe that. The universe wasn’t going to let me leave this earth without having a taste of Charlotte Pierce, and I was happy to oblige that cosmic irony.

“What are you doing out here all by yourself?” Charley’s voice brings me back into the present as she appears in the living room and immediately plants herself in my lap, wrapping a blanket completely around her. “I figured you were eventually coming to bed.”

“I’m sorry, baby. My dad is on his way over, and I needed something to take the edge off.”

She whimpers and buries her face in my chest, pulling the blanket completely over her head. “I’ll be hiding in your room.”

I pull the blanket down and kiss her before, shaking my head slowly. “We can’t hide from this. Any of it.”

“Your parents hate me,” she groans. “And this is only going to make things worse.” I hear my front door opening and my brother’s voice rings through the air. Charley climbs out of my lap to sit next to me when Andrew comes into view.

“What are you doing here, Drew?” I ask, wondering why he’s showing up unannounced.Didn’t he learn his lesson the last time?

“J.R. called me.”

Of course, he did.


“He thought you might need me.” He looks at the woman sitting next to me and I immediately go on the defense. “I know we didn’t get off on the best foot.” He smiles. “I’m Andrew, this asshole’s big brother,” he smiles the smile that’s worked on a million women and I wonder if mine will be as easily charmed.

She gives a polite nod. “I’m Charlotte.”

He reaches a hand towards her and when she takes it he yanks her to her feet causing her to squeal, and pulls her into a bear hug. When he releases her, he rests his hands on her shoulders to steady her. “I was a dick that day. I didn’t know how crazy my brother was about you…How much he loves you. How much you love him.”

She starts to say something before she shakes her head. “What are you talking about? This is the first time we’ve met,” she says giving him a knowing smile and he gives her one back.I’m in awe of how Charley is reacting to this, her willingness to start over so easily with my brother despite their first interactions.