“He’s rude as hell.”

“What, can’t handle the truth?”

I ignore his comment. “Is he drunk?”

“He better not be. He works here as a condition of his charge.”


“DUI. Like four of them,” he says not looking up from his menu.

“You’re not supposed to tell me that.”

Tuck’s eyes meet mine. “You can’t keep a secret now?” He gives me a pointed look and sets his menu down just as who I assume to be Cass approaches our table.

“Hi, Mitch! It’s so good to see you!” She’s young, very young. Probably younger than Charley. Her jet black hair is pulled into a messy bun on the top of her head and her face is completely void of makeup with the exception of a pink balm on her lips. Her white tee shirt has the name of the diner scrawled across her chest and an apron is wrapped around her waist covering what I assume to be very short shorts. She was young enough to be his daughter. I shoot him a look instantly, raising an eyebrow at him. He pretends not to notice it.

“Always good to see you, Cassie, how’s school?”

Her powder blue eyes roll in a circle. “A pain in the ass. I’m taking twenty-six credits this semester.”

“If anyone can do it, it’s you.” A pink blush coats her cheeks hiding the freckles that dot her face.

“And what about you? How is everything.” Her eyes dart to mine as if she hadn’t realized there was another person at the table. “How are you today, sir?”

“No need for sirs. I’m younger than him.” I point, taking note at her formality with me versus my older mentor.

“I was raised to say sir and ma’am unless instructed otherwise. And you’re older thanme.”

I shoot another look at Tuck wondering just how close he’s gotten with this girl before turning back to her. “You can call me Will.”

“Will.” She turns to look at Tuck again. “The usual?”

“Please. And a side of scrambled eggs.”

She raises an eyebrow at him. “Is that really good for your cholesterol?”

“You been talking to my doctor now?”

“I’m just sayin’.” She shrugs as she gives him a toothy grin and sashays away.

“She knows about your cholesterol, huh?” I say, taking a look at the menu despite the fact that he’d already put in his usual which happened to be my usual as well.

“Don’t deflect.”

“What’s going on with you and that girl who’s young enough to be your granddaughter?”

He scoffs. “Don’t be an asshole. She’s twenty-three. Daughter at best.”

“Sure, Tuck.”

“And nothing. She sees me as a father figure.”

I snort. “Yeah, I’ll bet she does.”

“Nothing even mildly inappropriate has happened between us. So just get your mind out of the gutter.”

I raise my hands in defeat, knowing that now isn’t the time to interrogate him about hisfriendeven though there is so clearly a story there. “Fine.”