Her brows furrow and within a second, she’s in my arms and I’m on my back. A sense of calm comes over me as I feel her luscious body on top of mine.The apex of her thighs, which is covered with only a scrap of fabric is pressed up against my groin and she grinds down slightly on me making me groan. “I resent that.” She presses her hands to my chest and leans down holding her face just above mine. “I’ve never faked it with you. You’ve known how to make my body come alive with just a look for so long. The second you touched me I was ready to combust. The first swipe of your tongue over my clit I almost lost it. The first thrust inside of me sealed our fate, Will. I’m yours. I don’t care what’s come before you, there’s onlyyounow. And forever.”

“Charley.” My eyes close, the ramifications of last night finally setting in, making my lids heavy with sleep. I open them again, my eyes weaker as sleep looms over my head. “I don’t want to fuck this up.”

“You won’t.”

You don’t even know what I’m referring to, baby.

“I’ll love you forever, Charlotte,” I whisper, as the rest of the energy leaves my body letting me fall into a deep and troubled sleep before I can hear her reply.

Will has been asleep for the better part of the day making me wonder just how much of that bottle he did put away. I’ve checked in on him a few times, but he’s out cold. I sit on his deck at the rear of his townhome, feeling as the warm wind whips around me. I look up and notice the trees are starting to turn from the green to yellow and red and brown as the last of the Indian summer fades away. The wind rustles through the leaves giving me a sense of calm that I haven’t felt in twenty-four hours. My mind makes a mental note of all the things that have occurred in the past day.

Things I know:

Matt is petty. I mean really, sending Will our sex tape was beyond childish. What was he even thinking?

He’s hurt and he wanted to hurt Will, and by extension—you, I argue with myself.

I cross my arms as I pull the cup of chamomile tea to my lips, hoping that the herbs are strong enough to keep my nerves at bay. Last night was the first time Will had expressed any apprehension with proceeding with our relationship, and it did nothing for the nagging thought in the back of my brain that when it was all said and done, Will would leave.

I would be alone.

Was this the first step of Matt making good on his promise? Making Will doubt me and us?

Will apologized, Charlotte.

Yeah, apologized for being an irrational drunk. Who knows how long it’ll take for him to get over the images of me having an orgasm at the hands—and cock—of my ex-husband.

I wrack my brain, trying to remember just what he could have seen on that tape, but it escapes me, like most of the good times that took place early on in my relationship. Good times that sadly got overwhelmed and eventually erased by the bad that came in the later years.

My thoughts are interrupted by Will’s voice. “There you are.”

I look up and I’m amazed at what just his presence does to me. My heart races. It seems he’s showered and changed and now looks like a human again.My human.I give him a shy smile, trying not to give away how much he turns me into a puddle of need, especially when things are still a bit tense between us. His hair is freshly washed; the tips of his hair are wetting his gray t-shirt with water droplets. His shirt isn’t tight anywhere except around his biceps, which are usually hidden under well-tailored suits and sweaters. My eyes scan down his body to a pair of sweatpants and I resist the urge to stare too long in search of his dick. If that wasn’t enough, I try to ignore the fact that he has his glasses on, which do nothing but amplify the intensity of the gaze he’s giving me. I swallow, doing my best to wet my dry mouth.

“Are you trying to seduce me?” I say as he sits in the chair next to me. He lets out a laugh, and as if he knows just what to do to make my clit pulse, he adjusts his glasses.


Before he’s even fully seated I’m on my feet ready to take my place in his lap. He welcomes me instantly, wrapping his arms around me and leaning his head back against the chair. I’m straddling him at this point, our pelvises perfectly aligned and I begin to move back and forth on the appendage I feel growing with each passing second underneath me.

“Are you trying to seduceme?” He throws my words back at me and I giggle.

“You started it, what do you need these for?” I tap his glasses and raise an eyebrow at him as I wait for his explanation that he came out here to read something. He gives me a guilty smile and I lift my chin. “Exactly.”

He narrows his eyes slightly. “You’re mad at me, and I was hoping you’d let me give you an orgasm or two to fix it. And yeah—I know you like the glasses.”

“I’m not mad at you,” I reassure him, and I watch as the relief spreads across his face. It’s in that moment I suddenly realize, all this time I haven’t been dealing with my level-headed marriage counselor, but my possessive boyfriend. Usually there’s a balance between the two, but for the past day and a half, Dr. Montgomery has been nowhere in sight.

“Oh, well, my need to give you an orgasm still stands.” His words have a direct line to my sex, my body fiending for the release that is imminent.

“Well, who am I to deny you?” I smile and as if I weigh nothing more than a feather, he stands with me in his arms and carries me back inside, pressing me against the wall immediately, his cock pressing up and into my sex as I’m still just in a t-shirt and a pair of panties. I groan and dig my nails into his shoulders. “Fuck, Will.” My clit feels as if it’s on fire, desperate for any friction to lessen the ache between my thighs. My heartbeat thumps in my sex, almost pounding against the inside of my panties and I would do anything for him to drop to his knees and quiet the noise with his mouth.

His mouth is on mine, his tongue snaking between my lips and making love to my mouth as he grinds his hips upwards, grinding his cock against me harder in perfect rhythm with the strokes of his tongue. “You are mine,” he growls when he pulls away, staring straight into my eyes. His tongue darts out and I watch fascinated as he runs it across his bottom lip. “You’ll never know just how much I need you, Charley.”

“I think I do know because I need you just as desperately.” I close my eyes, the orgasm that I felt building merely by the ridges of his cock rubbing against me still sends tingles through every part of my body.

He carries me through his house, his hands firmly under my butt, cupping the cheeks hard, as his teeth nip at the flesh of my neck.

Within seconds, I’m flat on my back reaching for the hem of my shirt, yanking it over my head as I watch him do the same. He’s on me instantly, his shirt gone, allowing me to rub my hands along his broad chest, my fingers moving through the smattering of chest hair. “I am going to fuck you so hard you won’t know your own name.” He tells me as he rips my panties from me in one quick motion.