He looks away and then back to me, giving me a sad smile. “There are times where I will want to keep things from you. Things that I will shield you from because I don’t want you to get hurt.” He tucks a lock of my messy bedhead behind my ear. “But leaving you in the dark about some things will do more harm than good.”

“I don’t want to be in the dark,” I whisper. “Tell me what’s going on. Let me help,” I say.

“No,” he says firmly. “I don’t want you anywhere near this. But I will tell you what’s going on.”

I nod, knowing if he’s trying to keep me out of something, it’s for a reason that more than likely involves my safety. “Okay.”

“I got a call about an hour ago.” He leans back against the couch, bringing me closer to him, “from our security company.”


“For our house.” My sex pulses in response.Our house.

My mind refocuses, remembering that Will isn’t happy. “Okay?”

“Someone threw a brick through one of the first floor windows,” he says with a sigh and I can almost hear the blaring thoughts in his head.

“Were there other houses vandalized on our street? Maybe it was a—”

“Just ours, Charley,” he interrupts giving me a look. “The cameras on the outside aren’t set up yet, so we have no way of knowing who it was but…I have an idea,” he says looking at me.

Fuck.I bite my bottom lip to stop the tears from forming as my head lowers in shame. “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

“Why are you sorry?” He lifts my chin up. “I thought I broke you of that bad habit.”

“My past—”

“Is just that…the past,” he tells me. “We deal with it but we don’t let it affectourfuture.”

“But what if it happens again…and we’re there… or our… children are there.” I don’t miss the way my body reacts to the thought of me having his babies. I see him tense slightly thinking about it as well.

“I’ll monitor the situation. Do you think I would let you move in if I thought it wasn’t safe? Do you think I’d let our family be in harm’s way, ever?”

I shake my head. “No. But—”

“I’ll put the house back on the market, Charley.” He shrugs. “We find a new place and, in the meantime, you move into my place with me. There is plenty of room for us both.”

“Will, you just bought that house,” I remind him.

“I’m aware, but I’m not going to gamble with your safety either. I plan to have you knocked up by spring, I don’t have time to deal with that bullshit.”

“Spring?” My eyes are wide and unblinking.He wants a baby that soon? I can actually feel my ovaries exploding at the idea.“It’s November.”

“Your point?”

I smile as I think about how excited he is to have a family with me when the man before him wouldn’t even discuss it. “Are you going to put a ring on it first?” I ask.

“Are you asking me to marry you?” he jokes, and I raise an eyebrow in response.

“Maybe I am? What’s your answer, Montgomery? Or should I get down on one knee? There’s something else I can do while I’m down there,” I smile cheekily and he squeezes me tighter.

“I didn’t think you would be ready so soon to get married.”

“I want to be with you…forever,” I whisper. “And I want to start forever…now.”

“I want that too,” he says brushing his lips across mine.

“So, will you?”