“I wasn’t saving myself for marriage asshole, it’s called not wanting my dick to fall off for sticking it in the wrong woman.” I raise an eyebrow at him and he punches my shoulder in response.

“Well for your information, my dick is perfectly attached. Shall we compare? We can ask red to be the judge,” he jokes. My eyes chance a glance at her, and sure enough her eyes are still fixed on my brother.

Move on, hon. He already has.

Whenever I spent any amount of time longer than one hour with Drew, I remember why I could only take him in small doses. He’d yet to grow up, and more often than not our time spent together was rather tedious.

“What are you doing here anyway?”

“Like…here in this bar? Here in this life? Are you getting philosophical on me?” My mind immediately begins to construct a monologue about my stance on Nietzsche’s theories when he interrupts me.

“No, Einstein, like here in Atlanta. Your girl is in Florida, why didn’t you go with her? Or why don’t you go now? It’s Friday, you can have the weekend with her,” he answers as if it were that easy.Charley needs space.

“She’s there to decompress from her divorce, Drew. I don’t need to be there crowding her thoughts. She needs space and time. Besides she’s with her best friend.”

He raises his brows. “Is she hot?”

“Lauren? I mean she’s okay, I guess? I don’t know.”

“God, do you no longer have eyes since you fell head over dick?”

“I believe the saying is head overheels.”

“I stand by my statement.” He pulls his phone out.

“I don’t see what it has to do with anything, but yes, Lauren is pretty.”I only have eyes for Charlotte, but Lauren is an attractive woman.

“I assumed as much. Hot women travel in packs.” I go to protest about his reference to Charlotte when he puts a hand up, silencing me. “And before you lose your shit, I’m not the first person to notice that your girl is hot, and I certainly won’t be the last, so relax. Anyway,” he says as he scrolls through his phone, “there’s a flight to Destin in three hours. We could be on it, and you could be with Charley tonight. It’s a quick hour flight.”

“We?Sorry, how doyoufit into the equation?”

“Hey, if you’re keeping Charlotte occupied, her friend will need someone to hang out with, right?” I look at him and then down at his phone. “Come on, I’ve got the frequent flyer miles, it’ll cost literally nothing. I’ll even spring for your ticket too.”

“How do you have frequent flyer miles, you don’t go anywhere.” Drew is a CPA, and he rarely travels for work. The most traveling he does is to and from Ohio during football season or the occasional debaucherous weekend trip to Vegas when one of his douchebag friends is having a bachelor party.

That was hardly enough to spring for two tickets from Atlanta to the small Destin airport.

“Oh, did I say they were mine? I meant Ma’s,” he jokes.

“You have access to mom’s frequent flyer miles?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.

“Of course, don’t you?” He turns back to his phone, and I can hear him rambling about refusing to take the middle seat. I chug the rest of my beer, suddenly ten times more tense than I was thirty seconds ago. My brother has a way of flaunting in my face the very different positions we have in our family in the most nonchalant way. To this day, I’m not sure if he even realizes how his comments came across.

I need Charley.

And I need her now.

“Let’s go see my girl.”

Five hours later, we are checking into the hotel, and it’s as if my dick can sense that she’s near because it’s been hard ever since we touched down in Florida.

“You got a suite? Pulling out all the stops, huh?” Drew asks as his eyes scan the lobby as we approach the front desk.

“Well I wasn’t sure if you were planning to crash with me, so I figured a second bedroom was needed just in case.”

“And hear you and Charlotte going at it? Pass. Besides, I’m hoping to need my own space as well.” He raises his eyebrows up and down as he cranes his neck around me to follow a woman in a tennis skirt pad through the lobby.

“I’m almost afraid to turn you loose in here.”