I groan, running a hand over my face as I realize that I really am losing it. I look at her again, prepared to shoot her an apologetic glance when a smirk plays at her lips and a smile crosses her face.


It wasn’t until I grunted out Charlotte’s name as I shot ropes of cum onto the woman’s back—whose name I can’t remember for the life of me—did I realize how completely fucked I was.

“Nothing worked, Tuck. And then one day, she looked at me,” I say, recalling the first time I knew she wanted me just as badly. The day I realized I was going to fuck Matthew Wells’ wife all over my office in a private session. “She looked at me like she wanted me.Needed me.”

“Will, you took advantage of her trust in you as her counselor. She was in an extremely vulnerable position, and she confided in you. She trusted you to help her. And you helped yourself toher!”

“It’s not like that.”

“Oh? What’s it like?”

“I didn’t coerce her into sleeping with me” I snap.

“Did you do engage in intercourse in your office?”

“Yes.”Where the fuck else would we have done it?

“Where was her husband?”

“He wasn’t there,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Oh? Why is that?” he says, narrowing his eyes at me.

“Private session,” I grumble.

“And who’s idea was that?”

I clear my throat knowing where his train of thought is going. “Mine.”

“And you don’t see the coercion? Come now Will, you graduated top of your class at Harvard. This was premeditated and you know it.”

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. “What do you want me to say, Mitch? I know I fucked up. I should have walked away from her…from all of it. I shouldn’t have continued to see her. The second I started picturing her straddling me during her sessions.”

“How long were you having these feelings before you acted on them?”

“Two months.”

“And when you did?” he asks.

“When I did what?”

“Once you slept with her…how did you feel? Guilty?”

I stare at him for a second before I look out into the vast green lands remembering the guilt and shame I felt every time I masturbated thinking about her. Every time I pulled my dick out the second her and her husband left the room, my cock aching just from the mere scent of her. Every time I whispered her name into my dark bedroom, in the dead of night while my hand was wrapped around my cock.

I felt guilty then.

“I felt a little guilty. But really, I was having the internal conflict of whether I could do it again or if it would just be a one time thing. Mitch, it wasn’t just that the sex was incredible. We have this connection that I’ve never had with anyone.”

When our eyes locked, when I was inside of her it was as if something shifted inside of me sending me into the most intense orgasm I’d ever experienced. She came apart in my arms right after, and I swear in that moment, I saw God.

“And then our affair began,” I finish telling Mitch as we climb out of the cart. “But somewhere along the line, it became more. We fell in love. She’s the love of my life.” He rubs his head and looks me over and I can see his mind racing with a million theories. “What?”

“Have you explored every possible reason for your infatuation?”

“Infatuation? That sounds like a crush…Mitch, she’s the one.”