Page 107 of Bittersweet Addiction

“Well,” I hear as Diana moves to her feet sliding her gloves on her hands dramatically, “I have never been so insulted. You’ve been a part of his life for five minutes and you think you have the right to pass judgment on me?” She stops in front of me. “Hmm. Silly girl.” She turns to Will and her demeanor changes instantly. “Goodbye, darling!” She gives him an air kiss before she heads out of the living room.

J.R. stands from the couch and follows her same course stopping before me. “You only get one of those in this family. So, I hope that felt good,” he warns before he follows his wife into the foyer. I let out the breath I’ve been holding since Diana left the room once I hear the door close behind them, leaving us alone with Drew.

“You told Mom it was Charley’s idea? You didn’t tell her you supported it? Did you even bother to tell her everything? Or just enough to villainize the woman I love?” I can hear the anger in his voice and see it in his eyes.

Drew puts his hands up defensively. “I told her I thought it was a good idea…but I didn’t think you wanted me explaining to her my reasoning for it. And lay off, will you? I’m sorry!”

“Sorry?! Do you think sorry is enough to fix what just happened here?”

“It’s not—” I start when I see Will’s gaze snap to mine. “Baby, it’s not his fault.”

“No, it is.” He nods and stares at his brother with cold eyes. “Maybe he didn’t make you say what you said, but he knew what to do to plant the seed with my mother. He knew your relationship was precarious, and yet he was in her ear telling her it was your idea!”

“Will—” Drew starts.

“This is so typical of you. And I thought after we talked last week, you’d be more mindful about this bullshit, but I guess not. You’ll never change.”

I see the look in Drew’s eyes, and I wonder if his words are cutting him deeper than Will realizes. “Baby…” I grab his face and make him look at me, wondering if he’s going to snap at me next, but his eyes soften dramatically. I search his face, trying to discover what’s lying beneath the mask that he has on right now.

“You should go,” he tells Drew finally as he turns his gaze back to him.

“Will, it wasn’t my intention to turn anyone against Charley…I certainly never meant to hurt either of you.” His expression looks so lost and hurt, I actually feel bad; I don’t think he really meant any harm.

Will doesn’t say anything and Drew nods. “Okay then, well…I guess call me when you’re ready to talk?”

Will nods but still doesn’t say anything as he walks out of his living room. The click of the door closing snaps Will out of his quiet seething and I feel myself being lifted off the ground and pushed hard against the wall. His lips find my neck as his erection grinds into my core once again though he’s significantly less hard. His tongue starts at the bottom of my neck and drags upwards slowly towards my ear before he presses a kiss there causing me to shudder.

“I’m sorry,” he says in my ear. “I’m sorry for how she speaks to you.”

My hands find the back of his neck, as I play with the hair there. “Stop,” I tell him as I pull his lips from my neck. “That’s not your fault but…should we talk about what just happened?”

“I don’t want to talk, I want to be inside of you.”

“And we can do that too, I just…what was that with your brother?”

“Charley…can we not do this right now?”

I bite my bottom lip, and it’s as if it doesn’t have the same reaction as it always does because he sighs and sets me gently on my feet. He puts one hand on either side of my head boxing me against the wall. “We need to talk,” he says, his voice so low it sends a chill through me.

“Okay?” I wince and his hand finds my face in response. He strokes my cheek a few times and he places a kiss on my lips. Before I know it, he’s leading me to the couch and sits me down. He sits on his coffee table in front of me so that we are facing each other.

“When you said that my mother treated you a certain way because of how she treats me… what did you mean by that?” He narrows his eyes, and I realize now that in that simple comment, I may have unlocked a whole bunch of complex and painful memories.God, maybe I really am a fucking trigger.

“I’m sorry I said that, I—”

His finger finds my lips and he shakes his head. “Don’t apologize if you don’t mean it,” he says, and I’m transported back to a time where I was sitting on a similar couch in front of Will Montgomery.

“I mean it this time. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Why? You believe that.”

“She was right, I shouldn’t have passed judgment.”

“As my future wife and the woman that promises to love me above all else, I would say that you’re a little bit entitled to your opinion.” He holds his thumb and index finger very close together.

I lick my lips, the tears forming in my eyes as I take a deep breath. “I believe it.”

My heart is racing a mile a minute, there’s a thin layer of sweat coating every inch of my body as I come down from what was probably my fourth orgasm in the last hour. The man in charge of giving me all four of them is still on top of me, giving my breasts lazy kisses, allowing his tongue to trace my hardened nipple.