Page 106 of Bittersweet Addiction

“And Charlotte really, I mean were you planning to starve my son after he’s been eating God knows what for the past week? I mean look at him, he’s skin and bones,” Diana pinches Will’s arm and I sigh. “I see you didn’t have anything prepared. Drew darling, grab my purse, I suppose we can order something.”

“Well, I—”

“Mom,” Will snaps before he stands up and makes his way back over to me, “enough. What are you doing here?”

“I haven’t talked to you…or seen you in a week!”

“That’s not unheard of,” Will retorts immediately and you would think that someone just smacked her across the face with the look she gives him.

“Well, maybe if you called your mother! Or returned my phone calls! But that is not the point. The point is you let someone convince you that there was a problem when there wasn’t. I see why you didn’t call us before you left; we would have talked you out of that pointless foolishness.”

“It wasn’t pointless, Mother.”

“My son tells me that it was your idea.” Her gaze narrows at me and the tears begin to flood my eyes.

“Drew!” Will growls at his brother and he winces.

“I didn’t mean—”

“Jesus Christ, Drew cut the fucking cord already. Do you have to tell her everything?” Will barks. “Mother, Charley and I decided it was for the best,together.”

“Funny, that all of your bad ideas start with this young lady.”

I’m torn between telling this bitch where she could stick her unsolicited opinion, and keeping quiet out of respect that this is Will’s mother.But she is testing me.

“Di,” J.R. says, the lawyer in him having picked up on my tense stance.

“J.R., you know our son is fine. I mean what is a drinking problem anyway? Who doesn’t like a casual cocktail here and there? Speaking of which, is that why this house is drier than the Sahara now?”

Will glances at me and I haven’t had a chance to tell him that I’ve purged the house of all alcohol. “I…I wasn’t sure if it could be in the house? I just didn’t want you to be tempted,” I say, stumbling slightly out of nervousness. “I read that the constant stimulation isn’t good. I know a lot of it was expensive so I didn’t dump it…it’s just not here.”

He gives me a smile and presses a kiss to my forehead. “Thank you.”

“Will!” Diana scolds and I see the familiar look in his eyes.He’s about to snap.

“Mother!” he roars. “You need to leave. Actually,allof you need to leave. Now. I just got home, and I want to be with my fiancée. I don’t know why you felt the need to show up here unannounced. But as you can see, I’m fine. And Mother, seeing as how you still haven’t learned the appropriate way to speak to Charley, you have to go.”

“Will, don’t be like that! We just want what’s best for you.”

“Which is Charley.”

“Until she does to you what she did to that poor unsuspecting ex-husband of hers.”

“Mom, there’s really a lot more to that story you don’t know,” Drew interjects, and I wonder just how much Will has shared with him.

“Enough!” Will yells, and I flinch beside him, although I know it’s not directed at me. “All of you, OUT!”

“Oh, for Heaven’s sake, Will.”

“Wow, you can actually say that without turning into a pillar of salt?” I snap, and I immediately know I’ve gone too far when I feel Will tense next to me. Drew’s eyes widen although I do notice a hint of amusement behind them, and J.R shakes his head.

She glares at me, her eyes almost penetrating my soul. “Excuse me but you can’t—” she starts.

“Actually, I can,” I interrupt. “I’ve sat and taken a lot from you, jumped through countless of your hoops in attempts to prove that I love your son and yet, you treat me as if I’m not good enough.” I shake my head. “I guess that makes sense, given from what I’ve observed you treat him the same way.”

The room is silent. “Charley.” I hear his voice in my ear and I look up at the blue eyes that hold so much emotion.

“Sorry, I… I snapped,” I whisper at him.