I drag my hand away from his crotch, somewhat stunned. In light of this new information, I’m led to believe he’s probably only holding on by a thread.This is probably tormenting him.
“Well, that sucks.”
He chuckles. “Don’t I know it.”
“Well, I can fix that… now?” I tell him as I reach for his dick, knowing that my mouth around him may take the edge off a little.
He grabs my jaw before I get too close and squeezes as he pulls my face back up. “No.” I lean back, my confused eyes narrowing and he continues, “I want to take my time with you. I haven’t had you in three weeks. I don’t want a blow job while I have to focus on not crashing the car. I want you naked in our bed, coated with a layer of sweat, coming hard around my cock when I finally come. I want to taste your orgasm as you ride my face all the while my dick is down your throat. When I come, Charlotte, you’re coming with me.”
The wind is knocked out of me upon hearing his sinful description of what I assume to be the next twenty-four hours, and my hands find my thighs, the sexual frustration running through me as I dig my nails into them. “Well, can’t you drive any faster?” I whimper as we pull up to yet another red light.
The tension between us crackles as we pull into his neighborhood. I’m trying my best not to make eye contact with him so that we don’t consummate his homecoming right here in the car, but I can feel his gaze on the side of my face when he puts the car in park.
Don’t look at him, Charley. Do not look at him,I chant as he opens the car door for me.
I’ve barely stepped two feet before I hear his bag hit the floor and I’m being pushed hard against the door in his garage, and his lips seal over mine. I open my mouth on instinct and his tongue finds mine. His hands have found their way to my face, his thumbs stroking my cheeks in time with his tongue moving with mine. This is the second time I’ve kissed him in a week and it’s taking everything out of me not to cry again.
He’s home. He’s back. He’s not going anywhere.
“Will,” I moan.
“Mmm,” he moans into my mouth as his hands move down my body and underneath my long sweater to cup my ass through my leggings. “I can’t wait to run my lips over every inch of this,” he growls. He moves his hands to the front of me and slides one under the waistband of my leggings and underwear, running two fingers through my folds. “And this.”
I convulse feeling the light pressure on what I know is my very stimulated clitoris, and I grab his shoulders to steady myself. “I want you naked within thirty seconds. And grab some water from the fridge. You’ll want to stay hydrated for what I have in store for you.”
He places a final kiss on my lips before grabbing his bag. I nod, my eyes wide and my mouth suddenly dry. I wet my lips, and attempt to swallow some moisture down when I hear his keys letting us inside. The door has barely shut completely when I hear his bag hit the floor and I’m in his arms and pressed against the wall.
“Change of plans,” he growls in my ear. “I want you nakednow.” I’m hoisted into his arms, my legs around his back, his hard cock pressing against the fabric of his jeans and now pushing against my core. The delicious friction pulls a moan out of me so loud that I almost miss the faint sound of someone calling my fiancé’s name.Almost.
He pulls away from my lips, having heard the same thing and narrows his eyes at me. “Did you hear something?”
I nod, but he still doesn’t let me down until we hear it again.Louder.“Will, honey!” I hear, and I almost groan for a whole completely different reason.
Oh, what the fuck?! The wicked witch of Atlanta flew in on her broom?
“You invited my family?” Will asked, setting me on shaky legs as the sexual haze we were just in is still affecting every bone in my body.
“Oh, yeah right.” I roll my eyes. “Of course, I didn’t. Oh…should I have?” My eyes widen as I remember that once upon a time I did have stellar manners. “Oh, that would have been appropriate…like a welcome home thing? Shit, baby, I’m sorry.” I blanche. “I should have baked a cake or something. I’ll make it up to you. See this is what happens, when a woman thinks with her vagina. All the years of good manners just—” I snap and point towards the wall, “out the window!”
“Charley stop it. I didn’t want a welcome home party…I had a week-long stint in rehab. I didn’t go off to war.” He shakes his head. “And there’s nothing sweeter than what’s between your legs, baby.” He growls in my ear. “But what the hell is my mother doing here?”
“I don’t know!” I whisper in an exasperated voice. “You gave her keys long before I came into the picture.”
“Oh, there you are!” Diana appears before us looking as if she just stepped off the runway of a Chanel fashion show.If I didn’t hate her so much I might actually enjoy going shopping with her. The woman can dress.Her matching tweed jacket and skirt, paired with this season’s newest slingbacks suddenly make me feel inadequate as I look down at my sweater, leggings, and riding boots. I didn’t think it mattered what I wore given that Will would be ripping it off with his teeth the second we got home.Which was the plan after all.
“Mom, what are you doing here?”
“Honey,” she says, linking her arm through his and away from me as they walk through the foyer with me trailing behind them, “you go to rehab for a week and you can’t be bothered to call your mother and tell her ahead of time that you’ll be unreachable? I was beside myself, until your brother came over for his weekly lunch on Tuesday and filled me in. How could you agree to go to rehab? You are fine, you are perfect!”
“I thought your weekly lunch is on Thursday?” Will asks.
“That’s lunch at the club, silly. We have lunch at home on Tuesday. I know I’ve told you this. Lunches you know you have a standing invitation to.” Diana pulls out of his grasp and sashays towards the living room.
“Yeah, as of late,” he says under his breath, and I don’t think he meant for me to hear that so I tuck that bit of information away for later.She has lunch with Drew twice a week?I wrack my brain for any small piece of information that would allude that Will also had lunch with his mother, but I come up empty.So, she has lunch with Drew but not Will? And judging by his comment I don’t think that’s by his choice.My hand finds his and I squeeze, letting him know that I’m still here and he gives me a small smile.
We make it to the living room to find J.R., with his hands crossed and his expression hostile, as well as Drew who looks nervous.
“Rehab Will, really?” J.R. asks, motioning for him to sit down between himself and Diana. I’m left standing by myself in the corner as I watch the scene unfold.